Which LGBTQ+ Activist Are You Based on Your Values?


Created 6/29/2024



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Discover which LGBTQ+ activist aligns with your values in this thought-provoking quiz! Uncover your true activist spirit based on your beliefs and make a difference.

Discover which LGBTQ+ activist aligns with your values in this thought-provoking quiz! Uncover your true activist spirit based on your beliefs and make a difference.

1. How do you view the role of family in society?

Family is the foundation of society, providing support and love.
Family is important, but it comes in many forms, including chosen families.
Family is a personal choice and should be respected in all its forms.
Family is essential for personal growth and community strength.

2. What do you believe is the most effective way to promote LGBTQ+ rights?

Sharing personal stories to highlight common humanity.
Focusing on legal reforms and policies.
Building alliances with other social justice movements.
Educating people about the realities of LGBTQ+ lives.

3. How do you respond to anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric?

By staying calm and focusing on sharing factual information.
By highlighting the common values we share as humans.
By ignoring them and focusing on those open to understanding.
By sharing personal and emotionally compelling stories.

4. What values do you believe are most important in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights?

Commitment and responsibility.
Compassion and empathy.
Equality and justice.
Community and solidarity.

5. How do you think LGBTQ+ issues should be discussed in public forums?

By emphasizing common ground and shared values.
By focusing on concrete examples of discrimination and harm.
By showcasing the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community.
By framing the conversation around love and commitment.

6. What motivates you to support LGBTQ+ rights?

A sense of justice and fairness.
Personal connections with LGBTQ+ individuals.
A desire for all people to live freely and safely.
A belief in equality and human dignity.

7. How do you believe communities can support LGBTQ+ individuals?

By providing safe spaces and resources.
By fostering inclusive attitudes and language.
By being active allies and standing up against discrimination.
By celebrating LGBTQ+ identities and achievements.

8. What role do you think storytelling plays in LGBTQ+ advocacy?

It humanizes abstract issues and makes them relatable.
It helps people understand the real-life impacts of discrimination.
It builds emotional connections and empathy.
It showcases the resilience and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community.

9. What is the most pressing issue facing the LGBTQ+ community today?

Legal recognition and protection.
Social acceptance and reducing stigma.
Reducing violence and ensuring safety.
Access to healthcare and mental health services.

10. How do you define equality for LGBTQ+ people?

Having the same legal rights and protections as everyone else.
Being able to live openly without fear of discrimination.
Being recognized and accepted for who they are.
Having equal opportunities to pursue happiness and success.