Discover Your True LGBTQIA+ Sexuality


Idyllic Icon


Created 6/17/2024



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Uncover your unique identity within the vast spectrum of LGBTQIA+ sexualities with this enlightening quiz!

Uncover your unique identity within the vast spectrum of LGBTQIA+ sexualities with this enlightening quiz!

1. How do you view your romantic relationships?

I don't experience romantic attraction
I experience romantic attraction to one gender
I experience romantic attraction to multiple genders
I'm still exploring or questioning my romantic attraction

2. Do you feel comfortable with the label 'queer'?

Yes, it feels inclusive to me
No, I prefer a more specific label
I have mixed feelings about it
I'm not sure yet

3. How do you feel about the term 'asexual'?

It describes me perfectly
I feel somewhat asexual but not entirely
I don't identify with it at all
I'm still questioning that aspect

4. What best describes your feelings about sexual attraction?

I don't experience it
I experience it towards one specific gender
I experience it towards multiple genders
I'm still figuring it out

5. How important is it for you to label your sexuality?

Very important - I need a clear label
Somewhat important - I like having a general idea
Not very important - Labels aren't my thing
I'm still deciding if I need a label

6. Do you believe sexuality is fluid?

Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

7. Do you experience sexual attraction without romantic attraction?


8. Do you desire sexual behavior but not sexual attraction?

Yes, that's accurate
No, I experience both
I experience neither
Not sure, still exploring

9. How do you feel about identifying as 'heterosexual'?

It's a good fit for me
I don't strongly identify with it
I don't identify with it at all
I'm not sure if it fits me

10. Are you attracted to characteristics such as masculinity or femininity regardless of gender?

Yes, that describes me well
Sometimes, but not always
No, I'm not attracted to those characteristics
Unsure, still exploring

11. How do you feel about the idea of monogamous relationships?

I'm only interested in monogamy
I prefer non-monogamous relationships
I'm open to both
I'm still exploring which suits me best

12. Do you feel comfortable with the term 'gay' or 'lesbian'?

Yes, it fits me well
I prefer a different term
I have mixed feelings
I'm not sure yet

13. How do you feel about being part of the LGBTQIA+ community?

It's a big part of my identity
I feel somewhat connected
I don't feel very connected
I'm still exploring this for myself

14. How often do you experience sexual attraction?

Very often

15. How do you handle societal perceptions of your sexuality?

I ignore them and be myself
I try to conform sometimes
I struggle with it often
I'm still figuring out how to deal with it

16. What's your perspective on exploring new sexual or romantic experiences?

Very open
Somewhat open
Not open at all
Not sure yet

17. Do you feel understood within mainstream LGBTQIA+ discussions?

Yes, I feel represented
Somewhat but not fully
Not at all
I'm still seeking understanding

18. How do you feel about the term 'bisexual'?

It suits me well
Sometimes I feel it fits
I don't identify with it
I'm not sure if it fits me

19. Do you consider the intersectionality of identities (race, gender, etc.) important in defining your sexuality?

Extremely important
Somewhat important
Not very important
I'm still thinking about this

20. How do you feel about the notion of romantic orientation being separate from sexual orientation?

Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree