Which Real Housewives star are you?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which Real Housewives star matches your personality! Take this quiz to discover which fabulous housewife you truly are.

Find out which Real Housewives star matches your personality! Take this quiz to discover which fabulous housewife you truly are.

1. What is your ideal way to spend a Saturday night?

Hosting a glamorous party for friends.
Having a cozy night in with loved ones.
Going out to binge-watch the latest movies.
Attending an upscale event or fundraiser.

2. How do you handle drama in your friend group?

Confront it head-on, no holds barred.
Stay out of it and let others resolve it.
Use humor to ease the tension.
Strategically resolve it while keeping peace.

3. What is your most valued trait?

Rational thinking.

4. How would your friends describe you?

Life of the party.
The caring counselor.
Headstrong and decisive.
The laid-back mediator.

5. When planning an event, you...

Create a detailed itinerary.
Focus on making it fun for everyone.
Ensure it’s stylish and chic.
Aim for it to be relaxed and enjoyable.

6. What’s your approach to fashion?

Always trendy and eye-catching.
Classic and elegant.
Comfortable and casual.
Sophisticated and high-end.

7. How do you prefer to solve problems?

Think logically and pragmatically.
Seek advice from friends and family.
Take impulsive actions.
Analyze every detail before acting.

8. What motivates you the most?

Achieving personal goals.
Helping others and being compassionate.
Living life to the fullest.
Maintaining peace and harmony.

9. If someone criticizes you, you...

Defend yourself vehemently.
Take it to heart and reflect on it.
Laugh it off and move on.
Strategically consider if it’s valid.

10. What's your personality type?

Extroverted and spontaneous.
Introverted and thoughtful.
Organized and strategic.
Balanced and adaptable.