Real Housewives Superlatives: Which Housewife Are You Most Like?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which Real Housewives star is your kindred spirit with this superlative quiz! Discover your Housewife persona and embrace your inner diva.

Find out which Real Housewives star is your kindred spirit with this superlative quiz! Discover your Housewife persona and embrace your inner diva.

1. How would your friends describe you?

Life of the party
Family oriented

2. What do you prefer to do in your free time?

Plan social gatherings
Analyze and strategize
Have spontaneous adventures
Reflect and meditate

3. How do you handle conflict?

Face it head on with logic
Avoid it to keep the peace
Express your emotions freely
Negotiate and mediate

4. What is your approach to problem-solving?

Take a logical and strategic approach
Rely on your intuition and creativity
Seek advice from others
Act on impulse and improvise

5. How would you describe your social life?

Thriving and busy
Close-knit and selective
Dynamic and exciting
Balanced and meaningful

6. What is your work style?

Organized and meticulous
Flexible and spontaneous
Goal-oriented and driven
Collaborative and supportive

7. How do you make important decisions?

Based on logic and analysis
Following your gut feeling
Considering others' opinions
Weighing the pros and cons

8. How do you react to stress?

Stay calm and pragmatic
Feel overwhelmed but seek comfort in friends
Turn to a distraction or hobby
Break down the problem into manageable parts

9. What role do you usually take in a group?


10. What is your party personality?

Host with the most
Life and soul of the party
Observer enjoying from the sidelines
Connector bringing people together