Discover Your Role in Piltover and Zaun With This Arcane Quiz


Created 6/25/2024



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Unleash your arcane potential and uncover your true role in the mystical cities of Piltover and Zaun! Embark on this captivating quiz to discover which category you belong to.

Unleash your arcane potential and uncover your true role in the mystical cities of Piltover and Zaun! Embark on this captivating quiz to discover which category you belong to.

1. How would you describe your ideal way to help your community?

Using advanced technology to innovate and improve lives
Providing heroic and brave protection to keep everyone safe
Supporting those in need with compassion and energy
Unleashing focused and strategic might to remove threats

2. Which architectural style resonates most with your personality?

Bold and geometric designs - Art Deco
Curved and flowing lines - Art Nouveau
Vivid and mechanical structures
Natural and organic growth patterns

3. What motivates your actions the most?

A sense of duty and justice
A desire for personal and communal progress
A need to protect the vulnerable
A relentless quest for improvement

4. How do you handle a crisis in your city?

With strategic and calculated responses
By jumping into action to save the day
Through supportive and encouraging behavior to keep morale high
By utilizing innovative solutions to outsmart the problem

5. What is your preferred tool for resolving conflicts?

Technological advancements and machines
Raw strength and direct confrontation
Diplomacy and negotiation
Stealth and strategic precision

6. Where would you prefer to live?

In a thriving and progressive city environment
Among the industrial and energetic underground community
In a place where every day is a chance to help someone
In an area focusing on scientific prowess and development

7. What kind of leadership do you believe in?

Visionary and forward-thinking leaders
Strong and protective heroes
Compassionate and understanding figures
Calculating and strategic masterminds

8. How do you view the relationship between Zaun and Piltover?

As two cities that can unite through progress and innovation
As places that need strong guardians to maintain peace
As areas with distinct needs that require tailored support
As entities in a delicate balance requiring strategic alignment

9. What type of environment inspires you the most?

Dynamic and technologically advanced
Rugged and filled with challenges
Supportive and community-focused
Meticulously planned and efficient

10. How do you think about the future of your city?

Optimistically, believing in constant progress
Defensively, ensuring safety and order
Empathetically, aiming to uplift everyone
Strategically, planning for long-term stability