Which Faction from Piltover and Zaun Do You Belong To?


Created 6/26/2024



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Are you a brilliant inventor or an underground rebel? Discover which faction from Piltover and Zaun you truly belong to with this captivating quiz!

Are you a brilliant inventor or an underground rebel? Discover which faction from Piltover and Zaun you truly belong to with this captivating quiz!

1. What motivates you the most?

Wealth and status
Innovation and technology
Freedom and self-reliance
Community and culture

2. How do you feel about rules and regulations?

Necessary for order
Hindering progress
Prefer minimal interference
Can be molded to fit needs

3. What environment do you thrive in?

Clean and structured
Raw and bustling
Independent and adaptable
Rich and vibrant

4. What's your stance on technology?

A tool for wealth and power
A means of boundless innovation
A necessity for survival
A key to cultural evolution

5. What kind of leadership style do you respect?

Strategic and decisive
Visionary and bold
Pragmatic and practical
Charismatic and inspiring

6. What role does community play in your life?

A network for success
A source of inspiration
A safety net
A foundation of identity

7. Describe your ideal city.

Advanced and affluent
Dynamic and challenging
Autonomous and resourceful
Diverse and inclusive

8. How do you handle challenges?

Strategize and overcome
Experiment and iterate
Adapt and persevere
Collaborate and resolve

9. What do you value most in others?

Ambition and drive
Creativity and genius
Resilience and independence
Loyalty and cooperation

10. How do you view the relationship between Piltover and Zaun?

A beneficial partnership
A struggle for innovation
A necessary dichotomy
A clash of cultures