Find Your Political Match: Left or Right?


Created 6/25/2024



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Discover your political leaning by taking this quiz that will categorize you as left or right.

Discover your political leaning by taking this quiz that will categorize you as left or right.

1. How do you identify your political views?

Very Conservative
Very Liberal

2. Which of the following issues is most important to you?

Economic Policies
Social Justice
National Security
Climate Change

3. What is your stance on government involvement in economic regulation?

Minimal government intervention
Moderate government regulation
Significant government intervention
Complete government control

4. How do you view healthcare policy?

Private healthcare system
Mixed healthcare system
Government-regulated healthcare system
Universal healthcare system

5. What is your opinion on immigration policy?

Strict immigration control
Balanced immigration policy
Welcoming immigration policy
Open borders policy

6. How important is environmental conservation to you?

Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
Extremely important

7. What is your perspective on taxation?

Lower taxes for all
Maintain current tax structure
Higher taxes for the wealthy
Progressive tax system with higher rates for all

8. How do you feel about social welfare programs?

Eliminate most programs
Retain current programs
Expand programs selectively
Greatly expand social welfare programs

9. What is your stance on gun control?

No restrictions on gun ownership
Moderate restrictions
Strict background checks and limited ownership
Ban on civilian ownership of firearms

10. How engaged are you in political activities (e.g., voting, protests, donations)?

Not engaged
Occasionally engaged
Regularly engaged
Very actively engaged