How Advanced Are You? Put Your Knowledge to the Test!
Quizz Master [Discord]
Created 6/14/2024

Take this challenging quiz and see how many correct answers you can get out of 15!
1. Which of the following is an intersection of DevOps and software development?
2. What is the primary function of a pivot table in Excel?
Data visualization
System design
3. Which cloud platform is known for its suite of services including Compute Engine, App Engine, and BigQuery?
4. In which phase of software development is UML most commonly used?
Design phase
Testing phase
5. Which algorithm type is crucial for competitive programming and involves breaking down a problem into simpler subproblems?
Dynamic Programming
Graph Traversal
6. What function in Python is used to apply a function to all items in an iterable?
7. Which of the following languages is known for its use in web development and backend services?
8. Which data structure is most suitable for implementing recursive algorithms?
9. Which of the following is an Azure service for scalable computing resources?
Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Tables
10. What design component is most relevant to ensuring that an application functions correctly across different environments?
11. Which interview preparation material focuses specifically on questions for cloud computing roles?
AWS Interview Questions
CPP Interview Questions
12. What type of programming paradigm is emphasized in JavaScript?
Event-driven programming
Procedural programming
13. Which mathematical method involves the study of patterns involving interactions between sets and functions?
14. In System Design, what represents a high-level overview of a system including major components and their interactions?
High Level Design (HLD)
Low Level Design (LLD)
15. Which Linux command would you use to list all files in a directory?