Which Jungle Only Champion in LoL Matches Your Personality?

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Created 6/28/2024



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Find out which jungle only champion in League of Legends best reflects your personality with this fun quiz!

Find out which jungle only champion in League of Legends best reflects your personality with this fun quiz!

1. What motivates you the most in a game?

Outplaying my opponents with flashy moves.
Providing a reliable presence for my team.
Adapting to enemy strategies and the game's tactics.
Finding new and unique ways to play my role.

2. How do you handle mid-game pressure?

By focusing on securing objectives and kills.
By ensuring my teammates are safe and well-positioned.
By adjusting my strategy based on the game's flow.
By looking for unconventional plays to turn the tide.

3. What kind of teammates do you prefer?

Aggressive players who like to dominate.
Team-focused players who support each other.
Adaptive players who understand the broader game tactics.
Creative players who think outside the box.

4. What is your reaction when your laner takes your jungle camps?

Get frustrated but try to focus on the game.
Communicate with them to ensure team cohesion.
Adapt and find other ways to stay relevant.
Laugh it off and find another way to contribute.

5. Which description matches your playstyle?

Aggressive and relentless.
Supportive and dependable.
Strategic and flexible.
Experimental and risk-taking.

6. How do you feel about being the primary carry for your team?

Absolutely, I love being in the spotlight.
Only if necessary, I prefer supporting my team.
I can handle it if the game requires it.
I'd rather come up with unique strategies.

7. When a game starts going south, you...

Double down on aggression to turn it around.
Focus on protecting and enabling teammates.
Change plans and adapt to the new situation.
Try out-of-the-box tactics to surprise the opponents.

8. What is your favorite aspect of playing Jungle?

Being able to take over the game with high damage.
Supporting my team through vision control and objectives.
Outsmarting the opponents with pathing and strategy.
Experimenting with non-traditional jungle picks.

9. How do you approach improvement in your gameplay?

Practice mechanically-intensive champions.
Learn to coordinate better with my team.
Study game footage and strategize.
Test out new and unusual strategies.

10. Your preferred type of champions?

Assassins that can delete opponents.
Tanks or supports that can absorb or assist.
Flexible picks that can adapt to various situations.
Off-meta picks that surprise the enemy.