Which Strongman Competitor Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Dive into the thrilling world of Strongman competitions and discover which legendary Strongman competitor aligns with your strengths, workout habits, and competitive spirit!

Dive into the thrilling world of Strongman competitions and discover which legendary Strongman competitor aligns with your strengths, workout habits, and competitive spirit!

1. What type of strength training do you prefer?

Heavy compound lifts like squats and deadlifts.
Dynamic movements like log presses and Atlas Stones.
A mix of conditioning work like kettlebell circuits and prowler pushes.
Grip strength exercises like farmer’s walks and tire flips.

2. How would you describe the intensity of your workout routine?

Focused on technique rather than intensity.
Highly intense; I push myself to the limit every session.
Moderately intense; I have a balanced approach.
Variable intensity; depends on the specific goals or phase.

3. Which best describes your diet?

High protein and calorie-dense foods to build mass.
Specialized supplements with basic dietary foundation.
Balanced but flexible with cheat meals.
Well-rounded diet with a focus on nutrient diversity.

4. How do you handle mental challenges in competitions?

I seek support and motivation from my team and fans.
I thrive under pressure and use it to my advantage.
I rely on routine and visualization techniques.
I stay calm and focused, blocking out distractions.

5. How do you plan your training sessions?

I follow a strict, structured plan created by a coach.
I incorporate specific strongman events regularly.
I mix things up, adding variety to keep it interesting.
I focus on progressive overload and key lifts.

6. What is your approach to recovery?

I rely on nutrition and hydration for recovery.
I use professional recovery techniques like massage and cryotherapy.
I prioritize rest and sleep above all else.
I incorporate active recovery and light workouts.

7. How do you incorporate accessory movements into your training?

I rotate them regularly to prevent boredom.
I perform them as a cool-down after main lifts.
I use them to target specific weaknesses.
I prioritize them as equally important as main lifts.

8. Which strongman event do you find most challenging?

Log Press.
Atlas Stones.
Farmer’s Walk.

9. What motivates you to compete in strongman?

Representing my country on an international stage.
Achieving personal bests and setting records.
The camaraderie and community aspect.
Pushing my physical and mental limits.

10. How do you handle setbacks or injuries?

I modify my training to accommodate the injury.
I focus on rehab and come back stronger.
I keep pushing through, adjusting as needed.
I take a complete break from training to heal.

11. What role does technique play in your training?

I focus primarily on raw strength.
Technique is important, but so is strength.
A balanced approach between technique and strength.
Technique is crucial and always prioritized.

12. How do you approach competition strategy?

I adjust my strategy based on the competition.
I focus on my strengths and minimize weaknesses.
I plan meticulously and stick to my strategy.
I remain flexible and adaptive during the competition.