Strongman Fitness: Test Your Knowledge on Strongman Training Techniques


Created 6/24/2024



Q & A

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Are you a fan of Strongman fitness? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz on Strongman training techniques and see how many questions you can answer correctly!

Are you a fan of Strongman fitness? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz on Strongman training techniques and see how many questions you can answer correctly!

1. What is the primary purpose of a deload week in strongman training?

To completely rest and avoid all physical activity
To gradually increase the weight lifted
To allow for recovery and prevent overtraining
To focus solely on hypertrophy training

2. How much weight should ideally be added after each cycle for lower body lifts like squats and deadlifts?

2.5 kilograms
10 kilograms
5 kilograms
7.5 kilograms

3. Which of the following exercises is NOT typically associated with strongman training?

Atlas Stones
Sled Push
Tire Flip
Lat Pulldown

4. What is a significant feature that distinguishes strongman training from traditional gym workouts?

Use of heavier weights exclusively
Inclusion of high-rep sets
Event training with unique objects like atlas stones and logs
Focus on cardio over strength

5. Which muscle group is primarily targeted by pull-ups in strongman training?

Latissimus Dorsi

6. Why is the deadlift considered a cornerstone exercise in strongman training?

It focuses solely on grip strength
It works the entire body, especially the posterior chain
It isolates the upper body muscles effectively
It is the easiest exercise to perform

7. What type of strongman event replicates the action of a plate stack row?

Atlas Stones
Log Press
Tire Flip
Keg Toss

8. Which of the following is a dynamic motion crucial for strongman events involving hip power?

Barbell Curl
Kettlebell Swing
Leg Extension
Bench Press

9. What kind of grip is recommended for starting a log press?

Underhand grip, close to the body
Overhand grip, just outside the legs
Neutral grip, shoulder-width apart
Overhand grip, very narrow

10. How often should technical work be done with a coach when starting strongman training?

Once a month
Every day
Once or twice a week
Only during competition weeks