Discover Your Inner Disgraced Cricketer!

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Created 7/15/2024



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Ever wondered which infamous cricketer you most resemble?

Ever wondered which infamous cricketer you most resemble?

1. How do you respond to a stressful situation where your reputation is at stake?

I seek advice from peers and follow their lead, even if I'm unsure about the ethics.
I try to find a quick, strategic solution, regardless of ethical considerations.
I respond emotionally and may take impulsive actions.
I maintain my integrity and face the consequences head-on.

2. How do you view taking risks in your career?

I take risks only if I have the support of my team or peers.
I often take impulsive risks without weighing the consequences.
I'm willing to take risks if it means achieving greater success.
I avoid risks as I prioritize integrity and long-term reputation.

3. What role do you see peers playing in your decision-making?

I tend to act impulsively, regardless of peers' opinions.
I highly value and often follow the advice of my peers.
I consult with peers but make the final decision myself.
I mostly make independent decisions and rarely seek peer advice.

4. How do you handle ethical dilemmas?

I seek guidance from more experienced individuals or mentors.
I act based on emotions, which can sometimes lead to ethical lapses.
I stick to my principles and avoid compromising on ethics.
I find a way to reconcile ethical dilemmas to benefit both me and my team.

5. When faced with peer pressure, how do you react?

I react impulsively and later deal with the consequences.
I often yield to peer pressure to keep harmony.
I balance my own judgment with my peers' opinions.
I stand by my beliefs even if it means going against my peers.

6. How do you respond when accused of wrongdoing?

I deny it initially but might accept it later under pressure.
I act visibly emotional, showing remorse or frustration.
I tend to deflect accusations, seeking to protect my reputation.
I admit to it immediately, regardless of the consequences.

7. What is your approach to leadership?

I rely heavily on the ideas and decisions of my peers.
I lead by example, showing integrity and encouraging ethical behavior.
I make the final decision but take input from my team.
I react impulsively and sometimes make decisions based on my emotional state.

8. How do you handle public criticism?

I handle it calmly and use it as an opportunity for growth.
I respond constructively but make sure to defend my actions.
I feel stressed and might overreact or become defensive.
I try to avoid it by complying with popular expectations.

9. How do you balance personal ambition with team success?

I prioritize team success, even if it means compromising on personal goals.
I try to find a balance between my ambitions and team goals.
I focus on my success first, believing it will uplift the team eventually.
I act on impulse, which can sometimes affect team dynamics.

10. Lastly, how do you view the importance of fair play in sports?

Fair play is crucial, and I always strive to uphold it.
Fair play is less important than achieving success at any cost.
Fair play is important, but winning can justify bending some rules.
I focus on the outcome rather than the principles of fair play.