Which AFL Player Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/16/2024



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Have you ever wondered which AFL player you most resemble in terms of skills, attitude, and personal flair? Take this quiz to discover your AFL player alter-ego!

Have you ever wondered which AFL player you most resemble in terms of skills, attitude, and personal flair? Take this quiz to discover your AFL player alter-ego!

1. How do you best describe your playing style?

Defensive and strong in preventing goals
Strategic and controlled
Balanced approach with offensive and defensive skills
Aggressive and always on the attack

2. In a high-pressure game situation, how do you handle it?

I focus on teamwork and collaborative effort
I adapt my play style as needed
I thrive and often change the course of the game
I maintain composure and stick to the plan

3. Which training drill is your favorite?

Tackling and defensive drills
Kicking accuracy and goal scoring
Endurance and fitness training
Ball-handling and agility drills

4. How do you like to communicate with teammates during a game?

Lead by example, letting my actions speak
Strategic and analytical, pointing out tactics
Vocal and directive, always leading the team
Encouraging and supportive, boosting morale

5. What's your primary focus when training?

Building strength and resilience
Enhancing speed and agility
Improving strategy and decision-making
Focusing on both offense and defense

6. How do you perceive your role in the team?

A crucial part of both offense and defense
A solid defensive player
An offensive powerhouse
A leader who takes charge

7. Which of these best describes your attitude on the field?

Strategic and methodical
Tenacious and driven
Resilient and never give up
Creative and always thinking outside the box

8. How do you react when your team is falling behind?

I encourage teamwork and collaboration
I become more aggressive and take risks
I focus on playing strategically and minimizing mistakes
I take charge and lead the team

9. Which phrase best describes your off-field preparation?

I focus heavily on physical fitness
I balance both physical and mental preparation
I spend time analyzing game footage for strategy
I rely on my intuition and keep training consistent

10. How do you deal with criticism from coaches or teammates?

I stay confident in my abilities and justify my actions
I evaluate it critically and make strategic changes
I discuss and clarify to understand better
I take it as motivation to improve

11. What's your role when transitioning between defense and offense?

I quickly move to support the attacking play
I adapt my position based on the team's needs
I ensure the defense is well-organized before joining the attack
I focus on creating opportunities and space for my teammates

12. Which characteristic best describes your leadership style?

Confident and inspiring
Commanding and authoritative
Adaptive and situational
Supportive and encouraging

13. How do you perceive your contribution to your team's success?

I'm an offensive game-changer
I'm a flexible player adapting to what's needed
I'm a reliable defensive asset
I'm a critical playmaker

14. Which of these best represents your game-time mindset?

Adapt to the evolving game dynamics
Stay focused and consistent
Take risks and be innovative
Encourage and coordinate the team