Which Magic: The Gathering Commander Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/19/2024



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Discover your ultimate Magic: The Gathering Commander by answering questions about your playstyle, favorite card types, and strategic preferences. Whether you are a tactician, a lover of creatures, or a sneaky strategist, find out which Commander embodies your unique approach to the game!

Discover your ultimate Magic: The Gathering Commander by answering questions about your playstyle, favorite card types, and strategic preferences. Whether you are a tactician, a lover of creatures, or a sneaky strategist, find out which Commander embodies your unique approach to the game!

1. Which color combination do you gravitate towards most in Magic: The Gathering?


2. What playstyle do you prefer in a Commander game?

Combo and synergy-based
Aggressive and fast-paced
Big mana/ramp strategies
Defensive and controlling

3. How do you prefer to deal with your opponents?

Resource manipulation
Outlasting opponents
Disruption and control
Direct damage or combat

4. What's your favorite card type to build around?

Instants and Sorceries

5. How do you like to manage your resources?

Mana ramp and big plays
Recurring graveyard resources
Card draw and hand advantage
Generating tokens or small creatures

6. Which game scenario sounds the most appealing?

Gaining strategic advantages over time
Overrunning opponents with sheer numbers
Manipulating the board state continuously
Outsmarting opponents with clever plays

7. What is your ideal endgame scenario?

Amass a powerful board presence
Combo off and win instantly
Denying resources and outlasting opponents
Dealing massive damage swiftly

8. Which creature type do you like the most?

Small but numerous
Undead and graveyard-focused
Beasts and powerful creatures
Legendary and unique

9. What kind of gameplay experiences do you enjoy most?

Strategic and thoughtful
Fast-paced and action-packed
Surprising and unpredictable
Complex and intricate

10. How do you prefer to build your deck?

Amassing a horde or large army
Leveraging specific types of cards
Scaling with powerful individual cards
Focusing on combos and synergies

11. How do you react when your opponent makes a powerful play?

Adapt and find alternative strategies
Make an even bigger play in response
Counter it and disrupt their plans
Go on the defensive and prepare

12. Which aspect of Magic: The Gathering do you enjoy most?

Watching my opponents struggle
Executing my strategy successfully
Creating memorable gameplay moments
Building and perfecting my deck

13. How do you handle losing a game?

It motivates me to build better decks
I enjoy it regardless, learning is fun
Move on quickly and try again
Analyze and improve for next time

14. What kind of decks do you generally dislike playing against?

Chaos decks that create randomness
Control decks that slow down the game
Aggro decks that are too fast-paced
Combo decks that end the game abruptly