Which Magic: The Gathering Arena Planeswalker Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Unleash your inner mage! Our quiz will decode your strategic approach, preferred colours of mana, and favourite card types to reveal which iconic Magic: The Gathering Arena Planeswalker matches your personality.

Unleash your inner mage! Our quiz will decode your strategic approach, preferred colours of mana, and favourite card types to reveal which iconic Magic: The Gathering Arena Planeswalker matches your personality.

1. How do you approach building your Magic: The Gathering deck?

I enjoy using dark magic and sacrificing resources for powerful effects.
I focus on creating a balanced deck with strong creatures and defense.
I prefer decks that control the game and disrupt my opponent’s plans.
I like aggressive decks that deal quick damage and overwhelm my opponent.

2. Which color(s) of mana do you prefer to use?

White – Focused on protection, healing, and teamwork.
Red – All about aggression, speed, and fiery spells.
Blue – Emphasizes control, strategy, and manipulation.
Black – Specializes in destruction, power at any cost, and necromancy.

3. What type of cards do you enjoy using the most?

Spells – I prefer casting disruptive or powerful spells to turn the tide of battle.
Enchantments – Enhancing my creatures or weakening my opponents' powers my strategy.
Creatures – I love building an army and dominating with powerful beings.
Artifacts – I like using mechanical and constructed advantages to win.

4. How do you deal with your opponent’s creatures?

I outmatch them with my more powerful creatures.
I manipulate and control them, making them a non-issue.
I destroy them outright to clear the way for my strategy.
I use tactical plays and sudden attacks to eliminate key threats.

5. What motivates your strategic decisions in the game?

The thrill of aggressive and risky plays.
The power to dominate using dark and deadly magic.
The desire to protect and sustain my allies.
The need to control and outthink my opponent.

6. How do you prefer to win a game?

Utilizing dark tactics to manipulate life and death.
Outsmarting my opponent with a carefully crafted plan.
Overwhelming my opponent with sheer force and aggression.
Outlasting my opponent with a strong, resilient defense.

7. Which personal trait best describes you?

Tactical and strategic.
Aggressive and impulsive.
Honorable and protective.
Dark and powerful.

8. How do you feel about taking risks during the game?

I take risks to exert powerful, unexpected effects.
I embrace risks and the rewards they bring.
I avoid risks and prefer a secure strategy.
I take calculated risks when they offer a clear advantage.

9. How do you handle unexpected challenges or setbacks?

I adapt quickly and find new paths to victory.
I rely on my resilience and defensive capabilities to outlast the challenges.
I go on the offensive to turn the tables.
I harness dark powers to overpower the setback.

10. How do you utilize resources (mana, cards, etc.) in the game?

I utilize resources to power dark and potent effects.
I exploit resources tactically to control the game.
I use resources aggressively to maintain pressure on my opponent.
I manage resources carefully to ensure sustainable growth.

11. What kind of opponent do you find the most challenging?

Those with strong defenses and resilient strategies.
Aggressive and fast-paced decks.
Those who employ dark magic and life-draining effects.
Those who use control and manipulation tactics.

12. How do you prefer to start a game?

I set up control elements to disrupt my opponent.
I go for an aggressive start to apply early pressure.
I establish a strong defense and gradually build up my forces.
I quickly establish dark magic or life-steal techniques.

13. Which Planeswalker do you like the most in terms of lore and abilities?

Chandra Nalaar – The Pyromancer
Jace Beleren – The Mind Sculptor
Gideon Jura – The Resolute Protector
Liliana Vess – The Necromancer