Discover Your D&D Class


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Are you a daring Rogue or a wise Wizard? Dive into this quiz and uncover which Dungeons & Dragons class best matches your personality!

Are you a daring Rogue or a wise Wizard? Dive into this quiz and uncover which Dungeons & Dragons class best matches your personality!

1. When faced with a difficult challenge, what is your first instinct?

Observe and analyze the situation from a distance before acting.
Discuss with a group to come up with a strategic plan.
Charge head-on and confront it with brute strength.
Use stealth to find a way to bypass it.

2. What motivates you most in an adventure?

Glory and personal challenge.
Gaining wealth and power.
Helping others and protecting the innocent.
Learning and gaining knowledge.

3. In a party, what role do you naturally gravitate towards?

Supporting and healing allies.
Sneaking and performing precise, critical strikes.
Frontline combat and taking hits for the team.
Dealing damage from a distance with spells or ranged attacks.

4. Which class attribute do you value the most?


5. How do you prefer to handle enemies?

At a distance with ranged weapons or spells.
Up close and personal with melee attacks.
Through stealth and surprise attacks.
Using a combination of support and combat magic.

6. What does 'power' mean to you?

Knowledge and wisdom.
Influence and charisma.
Physical strength and combat prowess.
Spiritual and divine connection.

7. In resolving conflicts, which approach do you prefer?

Manipulation and cunning tactics.
Diplomacy and negotiation.
Strategic use of magic and intellect.
Direct combat and overcoming through force.

8. How do you react when a team member is hurt and in need of healing?

Find a way to use magic to shield and heal them.
Immediately provide any healing or support I can.
Use stealth to get to them unnoticed and provide aid.
Ensure the enemy is defeated before providing aid.

9. What kind of environment do you feel most comfortable in?

In a library or place of arcane study.
On the battlefield, amidst the chaos of conflict.
In the serenity of nature.
In a cathedral or place of worship.

10. How would you describe your social skills?

I'm charming and love to engage with others.
I'm persuasive and can lead a group effectively.
I'm a bit awkward but can manage polite conversation.
I prefer to stay quiet and observe.

11. When preparing for an adventure, what do you prioritize?

Studying maps and researching potential threats.
Gathering weapons and protective gear.
Gathering magical items and spell components.
Ensuring everyone is in good health and spirits.

12. Which phrase resonates with your philosophy in life?

Faith and duty above all.
Cunning and adaptability will see me through.
Might makes right.
Knowledge is power.

13. What is your preferred type of magic?

Elemental and destructive spells.
Nature-based spells and transformations.
Healing and protective spells.
Illusions and enchantments.