Find Your Place on the Political Compass!


Created 7/15/2024



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Uncover your political orientation by answering these 10 thought-provoking questions. Are you more libertarian or authoritarian? Left-wing or right-wing? Discover your true political compass quadrant.

Uncover your political orientation by answering these 10 thought-provoking questions. Are you more libertarian or authoritarian? Left-wing or right-wing? Discover your true political compass quadrant.

1. Should the government heavily tax the wealthy to fund social programs?

Yes, the wealth of the rich should be redistributed to fund services for all.
No, wealth should remain with those who earned it.
Yes, but only moderately to maintain incentives for economic success.
No, heavy taxation is unfair and discourages economic growth.

2. How involved should the government be in regulating businesses?

The government should heavily regulate businesses to protect workers and consumers.
Businesses should be mostly free to operate without government interference.
The government should intervene only when businesses act unethically.
There should be some regulations to ensure fairness and safety.

3. Should personal freedoms be prioritized over state security?

No, state security is more important than personal freedoms.
Yes, but some restrictions are necessary for security.
No, the state should have significant control to ensure public order.
Yes, individual freedoms should always come first.

4. Should healthcare be provided by the government or private sector?

Healthcare should be entirely privatized with no government intervention.
Healthcare should primarily be provided by the private sector, with some government support for the needy.
Healthcare should be a universal right provided by the government.
The government should provide basic healthcare with private options available.

5. Do you support strict immigration controls?

Yes, but we should still be compassionate to those seeking asylum.
No, but there should be some measures to control immigration.
Yes, strict controls are necessary to protect jobs and national security.
No, borders should be more open to allow free movement of people.

6. Should education be primarily public or privatized?

Education should be fully privatized with competitive markets.
Private education should be encouraged with minimal government involvement.
Education should be fully funded and provided by the government.
There should be a mix of public and private schools.

7. How should the government handle environmental protection?

Environmental protection should be primarily managed by private sector innovations.
The government should enforce strict regulations to protect the environment.
The government should have minimal involvement, letting the market handle it.
Government should incentivize businesses to adopt green practices.

8. Should social welfare programs be expanded or reduced?

Social welfare programs should be maintained at their current levels.
Social welfare programs should be reduced to encourage self-reliance.
Social welfare programs should be mostly eliminated, with private charity handling aid.
Social welfare programs should be expanded to support those in need.

9. How do you view military intervention in other countries?

Military intervention is rarely justified and should follow international laws.
Military intervention should be used only under international coalition and clear ethical grounds.
Military intervention should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Military intervention is necessary to protect national interests.

10. Should cultural and social policies promote traditional values or progressive changes?

The government should stay out of cultural and social policies entirely.
We should promote traditional values to maintain social cohesion.
We should promote progressive changes to enhance social equity.
We should balance traditional values with progressive changes.