Which Star Wars Expanded Universe Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Dive into the rich and diverse Star Wars Expanded Universe and discover which iconic character matches your personality. Answer questions about your traits, alliances, and critical moments to find out!

Dive into the rich and diverse Star Wars Expanded Universe and discover which iconic character matches your personality. Answer questions about your traits, alliances, and critical moments to find out!

1. How do you handle conflict?

I confront the issue head-on with strength and bravery.
I use my intellect and strategy to gain the upper hand.
I prefer to avoid conflict and let it resolve itself.
I try to find a peaceful solution that benefits everyone.

2. What's your ideal weapon in a battle?

My mind and strategy; I don't need a specific weapon.
A lightsaber; it's precise and elegant.
A mix of different weapons; flexibility is key.
A blaster; reliable and straightforward.

3. Which group would you most likely ally with?

The Sith; power is essential to achieving your goals.
Mandalorians; warriors with a strong sense of honor.
The Jedi Order; guardians of peace and justice.
The Rebel Alliance; fighting for freedom and justice.

4. What's your primary motivation?

Justice and peace.
Power and influence.
Loyalty to my friends and allies.
Knowledge and understanding.

5. How do you react in a crisis?

Analyze the situation and develop a strategy.
Act quickly and decisively.
Stay calm and think through my options.
Ensure my allies are safe before doing anything else.

6. Where would you prefer to live?

A place with cultural and historical significance.
A bustling city with lots of people.
A heavily fortified and strategic location.
A serene and isolated place in nature.

7. What role do you play in a team?

The strategist; I plan and direct tactics.
The supporter; I help and protect others.
The leader; I guide and make decisions.
The independent operator; I work best alone.

8. How do you view the Force?

A source of peace and justice.
A guiding principle in my life.
A tool to achieve my goals.
A mystery that needs to be understood.

9. What's your preferred method of travel?

I don’t mind as long as it gets me there.
A personal transport; independent and flexible.
A starship; fast and versatile.
Public transportation; blend in with the crowd.

10. How do you handle loss?

I use it to drive me towards power.
I reflect and try to learn from it.
It fuels my determination to not let it happen again.
I move on and don’t look back.

11. What's your greatest strength?

My resilience and toughness.
My intelligence and strategic thinking.
My ability to lead others.
My loyalty and compassion.

12. What's your biggest flaw?

I find it hard to let go of the past.
I can be overconfident.
My emotions sometimes get the better of me.
I struggle with the lure of power.