Which Star Wars Character Are You?


Created 6/29/2024



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Discover which Star Wars character matches your personality and find out if you belong to the light side or dark side of the Force!

Discover which Star Wars character matches your personality and find out if you belong to the light side or dark side of the Force!

1. How do you make decisions?

I think about how it will affect others.
I follow my intuition.
I analyze the data and make a logical choice.
I go with my gut feeling and take action.

2. What is your idea of a perfect day?

Having a thrilling adventure.
Spending time meditating or in deep thought.
Leading a team to success.
Helping friends in need.

3. How do you handle conflict?

I try to find a diplomatic solution.
I take charge and lead the way.
I stay calm and use logic.
I fight for what I believe in.

4. What motivates you the most?

Protecting those I love.
Uncovering the truth.
Gaining power and control.
Exploring and discovering new things.

5. How do you prefer to work?

With a close-knit team.
On my own, free to think.
In a structured environment with clear rules.
In dynamic, ever-changing conditions.

6. What do you value most in a friend?

Loyalty and dependability.
Curiosity and intelligence.
Charisma and charm.
Courage and bravery.

7. Which role would you prefer in a mission?

Strategist and planner.
Charismatic leader.
Hands-on problem solver.
Support and advisor.

8. How do you react to stress?

I find a quiet place to think.
I take immediate action.
I rely on my training and experience.
I seek support from friends.

9. What is your biggest strength?

My loyalty and protective nature.
My quick thinking and adaptability.
My wisdom and foresight.
My leadership and decisiveness.

10. Which environment do you thrive in?

A peaceful, quiet place.
A fast-paced, ever-changing situation.
A structured and well-organized system.
A collaborative and supportive community.