Discover Your Perfect Political Alignment

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Created 6/27/2024



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Take this quiz to find out your exact IQ based on your political alignment. Learn which political category best fits your beliefs and values.

Take this quiz to find out your exact IQ based on your political alignment. Learn which political category best fits your beliefs and values.

1. How would you describe your political views?

Very conservative
Very liberal

2. Which social issue is most important to you?

Economic equality
Personal freedoms
Traditional values
Environmental protection

3. Which economic policy do you support the most?

Free-market capitalism
Social market economy
Mixed economy
Command economy

4. How do you feel about government involvement in healthcare?

Strongly support universal healthcare
Support some government role
Prefer minimal government role
Oppose any government involvement

5. What is your stance on climate change?

Urgent issue needing immediate action
Issue needing moderate action
Some action but not urgent
Skeptical about its priority

6. How should society address income inequality?

Redistribution of wealth
Economic opportunities for all
Minimal governmental intervention
Private charity and initiative

7. What is your view on national defense spending?

Increase spending significantly
Maintain current levels
Reduce spending moderately
Cut spending drastically

8. What role should religion play in government?

Separation of church and state
Some influence but limited
Significant influence
State religion

9. How should immigration be handled in your country?

Open borders
Regulated but welcoming
Strictly controlled
Very limited or closed borders

10. What is your opinion on same-sex marriage?

Strongly support
Support with some reservations
Oppose but accept its legality
Strongly oppose

11. How important is racial and ethnic diversity in policy decisions?

Very important
Moderately important
Somewhat important
Not important

12. How do you view international trade agreements?

Strongly support free trade
Support with some protections
Prefer protectionism
Oppose free trade