Which Notorious Anime Villain Are You?


Created 7/2/2024



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Ever wondered which infamous anime villain matches your dark side? Take this quiz to find out exactly which iconic anime antagonist you embody. Will you rule the world or wreak havoc? Find out now!

Ever wondered which infamous anime villain matches your dark side? Take this quiz to find out exactly which iconic anime antagonist you embody. Will you rule the world or wreak havoc? Find out now!

1. How do you perceive the world around you?

A battlefield where only the strong survive
A stage for my grandeur
A chaotic place I wish to control
A place filled with opportunities for manipulation

2. What motivates you the most?

Strength and dominance
Intellectual superiority
Mastery of all elements
Causing chaos for personal gain

3. What is your weapon of choice?

A massive arsenal of ancient relics
The natural elements
Mind-bending illusions
A mysterious blade

4. How do you approach a formidable adversary?

Challenge them head-on
Outsmart them with a well-devised plan
Overwhelm them with my overwhelming power
Break them down psychologically

5. What is your ultimate goal?

Absolute control over life and death
Achieving godlike status
Eradicating all that is weak
Gaining power through destruction

6. Which skill would you prefer to master?

Complete control over time and space
Manipulation of every element
Deception and mind control
Erasing things from existence

7. How would you describe your personality?

Calm and calculated
Elegant yet destructive
Charismatic manipulator
Gleefully chaotic

8. How do you deal with betrayal?

Destroy them utterly
Turn their own plans against them
Use it as an opportunity to showcase power
Expect it and find a way to benefit from it

9. What kind of leadership style suits you?

Tyrannical and fearsome
Charming and manipulative
Strategic and deeply planned
Chaotic and unpredictable

10. What is your relationship with your allies?

They are tools to be used
They are pawns in my grand game
They serve under my majestic influence
They are ephemeral and easily replaceable

11. What do you enjoy the most?

Achieving ultimate victory
Witnessing the brilliance of my plans
The thrill of the fight
The chaos I create

12. How do you see your vulnerabilities?

An impossibility
A slight annoyance
Moments to strategize better
Opportunities for misdirection and confusion