Which Path of Exile Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Dive into the world of Wraeclast! Answer these questions to discover which Path of Exile character matches your unique playstyle and strategy.

Dive into the world of Wraeclast! Answer these questions to discover which Path of Exile character matches your unique playstyle and strategy.

1. How do you prefer to engage in combat in Path of Exile?

I enjoy summoning minions to fight for me while I stay at a safe distance.
I prefer to be in the thick of it, taking and dealing heavy hits up close.
I prefer to unleash powerful spells that can deal massive damage from afar.
I like using hit-and-run tactics, staying agile while delivering quick strikes.

2. Which type of skills do you find most appealing?

Employing traps, gadgets, and potions to manipulate the battlefield.
Using minions to fight for me and creating a strong army of the undead.
Hard-hitting melee attacks that can demolish enemies with sheer force.
Spells that control elements like fire, ice, and lightning to decimate foes.

3. How do you typically approach challenges in the game?

I use strategy and positioning to outmaneuver and outplay my enemies.
I face challenges head-on, relying on my survivability and brute strength.
I summon minions to take on the challenges while I support them from behind.
I prefer to deal massive damage quickly and end fights before they can react.

4. What attributes do you value most in your character?

Intelligence and magical prowess to cast powerful and devastating spells.
Dexterity and speed, allowing me to evade attacks and strike rapidly.
A balanced mix of attributes to adapt to any situation.
Strength and durability, ensuring I can withstand any attack.

5. What kind of weapons do you prefer to use in combat?

Wands and staffs, enhancing my spellcasting abilities.
One-handed weapons paired with shields for a balanced approach.
Two-handed weapons that can deal massive damage with each swing.
Bows or crossbows, allowing me to attack from a distance.

6. How do you manage your defense in Path of Exile?

I use energy shields and spells to buffer and mitigate incoming damage.
I rely on evasion and movement to avoid taking damage altogether.
I have strong armor and high health, able to take hits head-on.
I employ a mix of defenses, using armor, evasion, and strategic positioning.

7. Which appeals more to you: raw power or versatility?

Raw power, ensuring I can obliterate enemies quickly.
Specialized power, focusing on niche skills to dominate specific scenarios.
Versatility, being able to adapt to various threats and situations.
A balance of both, to handle anything that comes my way.

8. How important is mobility to your playstyle?

Extremely important, I need to move quickly and avoid attacks.
Not important, I can stand my ground and face enemies head-on.
Somewhat important, I like to be able to reposition strategically.
Less important, I'd rather focus on tanking hits and dishing out damage.

9. When facing a difficult boss, what is your preferred strategy?

I use high burst damage to quickly bring down the boss before it can retaliate.
I use traps and debuffs to weaken the boss and control the battlefield.
I summon minions to take the hits and deal sustained damage over time.
I focus on enduring the fight, using my resilience to outlast the boss.

10. What kind of area damage do you prefer?

Strategically placed traps and area control abilities.
Wide-reaching spells that can clear large packs instantly.
Melee attacks that can devastate groups in close quarters.
Summoned minions that can swarm and overwhelm enemies.

11. Which statement best describes your ideal character role in a team setting?

I deal massive damage to clear enemies quickly.
I am the frontline tank, protecting my allies and drawing enemy fire.
I control the battlefield with minions and strategic positioning.
I provide support and utility, enhancing my team's performance.

12. Which defensive mechanics do you prefer?

A mix of defenses, using various mechanics to reduce damage.
Evasion and agility to avoid taking hits completely.
Energy shields and damage mitigation through spells.
High armor and health to absorb and withstand lots of damage.

13. How do you handle situations with multiple enemies surrounding you?

I place traps and use mobility to control and evade the crowd.
I use area of effect attacks to clear out the crowd quickly.
I rely on my strong defenses and sustain to outlast my enemies.
I use minions to take the hits and deal with enemies.