What's Your Prince Vibe? Find Your Perfect Song!

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Created 7/17/2024



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Prince Quiz Playlist

Prince Quiz Playlist

1. How are you feeling today?

Deep, emotional, and dramatic
Energized and ready to celebrate
Playful and upbeat
Contemplative and introspective

2. Which type of music do you enjoy the most?

Pop and energetic hits
Rock and soulful ballads
Funky and danceable tunes
Experimental and unconventional music

3. What is your ideal activity right now?

Reflection and writing
Exploring something new and unexpected
Dancing and partying
Spending time with loved ones

4. How would you describe your personality?

Introspective and emotionally complex
Playful and flirtatious
Confident and rebellious
Serious and socially conscious

5. How do you typically approach life and relationships?

Passionately and romantically
Confidently and assertively
Rebelliously and outspokenly
Reflectively and thoughtfully

6. Which of these color palettes resonates with you the most?

Bright and energetic reds
Deep purples and blues
Warm and nostalgic yellows
Bold and striking blacks

7. On a perfect day, you'd prefer to...

Have an introspective day
Explore something new and edgy
Throw a big party
Spend time with someone special

8. What type of movies do you usually watch?

Romantic and emotional dramas
Reflective and introspective films
Adventurous and playful comedies
Edgy and thrilling action

9. Which of these statements best describes you?

I regularly reflect on life's big questions
I am a deep thinker and emotionally in tune
I love to celebrate and live in the moment
I have a playful and upbeat personality

10. Which of these scenarios sounds most appealing to you?

Flirting and having some fun
Dancing the night away at a party
Relaxing with some deep, soulful music
Having a deep conversation with a friend