Which Orville Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/29/2024



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Ever wondered which character from The Orville you resemble the most? Take this personality quiz that delves into your traits, decision-making process, and situational responses to find out!

Ever wondered which character from The Orville you resemble the most? Take this personality quiz that delves into your traits, decision-making process, and situational responses to find out!

1. How do you typically approach a leadership role?

I maintain discipline and stick to protocols, ensuring the mission is prioritized.
I rely on unconventional methods and adaptability to lead effectively.
I lead with my heart and prioritize the well-being of my team.
I use my intellectual abilities and logical thinking to guide my decisions.

2. How would you describe your sense of humor?

My humor is very dry and intellectual, often misunderstood.
I have a quirky and spontaneous sense of humor that often surprises people.
I use humor to ease tension and make others feel comfortable.
I am not particularly humorous but can appreciate it when others are.

3. When faced with a problem, how do you typically solve it?

I follow protocols and make sure the mission's priorities are met.
I approach it logically and analytically.
I use unconventional methods and creativity.
I consider everyone's well-being and take compassionate actions.

4. How do you handle stressful situations?

I focus on others' well-being and delegate tasks effectively.
I stay calm and collected, making rational decisions.
I rely on discipline and keep strictly to protocols.
I adapt quickly and use my quick thinking to address the problem.

5. What is your approach to relationships?

Empathy and understanding are the foundation of any good relationship.
Loyalty and dependability are key in any relationship.
I'm more detached; logic and efficiency guide my interactions.
Relationships should enhance both individuals and be built on mutual respect.

6. How do you deal with authority?

I prefer to work independently and handle things my own way.
I respect authority but am not afraid to challenge it when necessary.
I respect and follow the chain of command without question.
I analyze the situation logically and respond accordingly.

7. What does being a part of a team mean to you?

It means taking care of each other and ensuring everyone's well-being.
It means camaraderie and working together towards a common goal.
It means bringing my unique skills and perspective to solve problems.
It means fulfilling my role efficiently to support the mission.

8. How do you make difficult moral decisions?

I analyze the situation logically and make a rational decision.
I consider the greater good and what will benefit the most people.
I follow established protocols and make decisions by the book.
I weigh the emotional outcomes and strive for compassion.

9. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Enjoying time with friends and family, creating memorable moments.
Adventurous activities, trying new things and being spontaneous.
Engaging in intellectual pursuits, like reading or solving puzzles.
Spending time in physical activities or honing my skills.

10. How do you react when facing unexpected challenges?

I prioritize the well-being of everyone involved before making any decisions.
I stay calm and think of the most logical solution.
I adapt quickly and think on my feet.
I rely on protocols to guide me through the situation.

11. How would you describe your moral compass?

I rely on logic and rational thinking.
I am guided by empathy and compassion.
I strive to do what benefits the greatest number of people.
I adhere to protocols and guidelines.

12. How do you interact in social situations?

I prefer meaningful conversations and deep connections.
I observe more than participate, contributing when I find it necessary.
I enjoy being the life of the party and making people laugh.
I engage with others but often keep conversations professional and to the point.

13. How do you handle failure?

I rely on support from others to help me through it.
I use it as motivation to improve and succeed next time.
I analyze my mistakes and learn from them.
I feel temporarily discouraged but find ways to move forward.