Which Star Wars Jedi Are You? Personality Quiz


Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which Star Wars Jedi you are with this exciting personality quiz! Unveil whether you possess the calm wisdom of Yoda, the daring courage of Luke Skywalker, or the relentless determination of Rey. May the Force be with you!

Discover which Star Wars Jedi you are with this exciting personality quiz! Unveil whether you possess the calm wisdom of Yoda, the daring courage of Luke Skywalker, or the relentless determination of Rey. May the Force be with you!

1. How do you prefer to solve conflicts?

Through negotiation and diplomacy.
By analyzing and strategizing the best outcome.
Using my wisdom and insight to find a peaceful resolution.
Letting the Force guide me to the right answer.

2. Which quality do you value the most?


3. How do you handle stress and difficult situations?

Meditation and calm reflection.
Planning and finding logical solutions.
Trusting my instincts and my experience.
Turning to friends and allies for support.

4. Which of these roles would you be most interested in?

Historian or Archivist
Guardian or Warrior
Diplomat or Mediator
Teacher or Mentor

5. What type of environment do you feel most comfortable in?

A quiet library, full of ancient texts.
A bustling command center, full of strategic discussions.
A serene nature setting, feeling the Force around you.
A diverse community, learning from different beings and cultures.

6. How do you view the Force?

As a guiding light and source of wisdom.
As a tool for protection and defense.
As a bridge connecting all living things.
As a balance that must be maintained.

7. What is your biggest motivation as a Jedi?

To gain knowledge and understanding.
To protect and defend others.
To bring peace and justice to the galaxy.
To teach and guide the next generation.

8. How do you approach training and personal growth?

With an open mind, always seeking new knowledge.
With rigorous discipline and practice.
By reflecting on my experiences and learning from them.
By mentoring others and sharing what I've learned.

9. Which color lightsaber would you choose?

Green, for wisdom and harmony.
Blue, for bravery and vigilance.
Purple, for balance and reflection.
Yellow, for knowledge and defense.

10. What is the most important thing a Jedi should avoid?
