Which Jungle Champion Matches Your Playstyle?


Created 6/28/2024



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Find out which jungle champion matches your playstyle with this exciting quiz! Answer a few questions and discover the champion that suits you best in the wild world of League of Legends.

Find out which jungle champion matches your playstyle with this exciting quiz! Answer a few questions and discover the champion that suits you best in the wild world of League of Legends.

1. How do you prefer to start your jungle path?

Clearing as many camps as possible
Rushing to level 3 and ganking immediately
Clearing camps and looking for gank opportunities
Invading the enemy jungle and disrupting their path

2. What's your preferred method of engaging in a fight?

Long-range poke and then diving in
Surprise attacks from stealth
Charging in head-on with crowd control
Flanking and picking off isolated targets

3. Which type of objective control do you prioritize?

Securing dragons and Rift Heralds
Taking down turrets early
Contesting enemy buffs and jungle camps
Providing vision and map control

4. How do you handle a successful gank?

Push the lane and take the tower
Return to farming your jungle
Set up for a subsequent gank
Invade the enemy jungle for more opportunities

5. What kind of damage do you prefer dealing?

High burst damage
Consistent sustained damage
Damage over time
Hybrid damage with both AD and AP

6. How do you adapt if you fall behind early?

Focus on farming and scaling
Look for opportunities to support lanes
Coordinate with team for objectives
Ward more and control vision

7. What's your preferred role in team fights?

Initiator and crowd control
Damage dealer and carry
Disruptor and assassin
Peeler and protector

8. What kind of team composition do you feel most comfortable with?

Heavy engage and crowd control
Split-pushing and dueling
Poke and siege
Protect the carry and peel

9. How would you describe your risk-taking approach?

High risk, high reward
Calculated risks based on vision
Minimizing risks and playing safely
Aggressive invasions and pressure

10. What's your view on jungle buffs and resources?

Focus on taking your own camps efficiently
Contesting enemy camps whenever possible
Share buffs with laners if necessary
Prioritize securing objectives over farming