Which For Honor Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Discover which For Honor character matches your combat style, strategic choices, and personality traits. Are you a fierce Viking, a disciplined Knight, or a cunning Samurai? Take our quiz and find out!

Discover which For Honor character matches your combat style, strategic choices, and personality traits. Are you a fierce Viking, a disciplined Knight, or a cunning Samurai? Take our quiz and find out!

1. How would you describe your preferred combat style?

Aggressively overwhelming with strength.
Balanced between offense and defense.
Swift and agile, relying on speed.
Defensive, waiting for the right moment to strike.

2. What strategic gaming decision do you often make?

Maintain distance and strike from afar.
Rush in and overwhelm opponents.
Use speed and agility to outmaneuver enemies.
Play defensively and wait for an opening.

3. How do you react during conflicts?

Remain calm and think strategically.
Face conflicts head-on with aggression.
Use defensive maneuvers to outlast opponents.
Avoid direct confrontation and use cunning tactics.

4. What is your usual approach to challenges?

Meticulously plan and execute.
Charge headfirst into them.
Focus on defending and weathering the storm.
Adapt and react on the fly.

5. What is your favorite weapon?

Sword or Axe
Polearm or Spear
Daggers or Short Blades
Flail or Mace

6. How do you value loyalty and honor?

I prioritize survival and success over loyalty.
I uphold them above all else.
They're important, but not always practical.
I use them as needed for my goals.

7. How would you react to betrayal?

Defend and wait for an opportunity.
Dismiss and continue for the greater good.
Strategically plan and outmaneuver them.
Seek immediate and harsh revenge.

8. How much do you respect tradition versus innovation?

I balance both, depending on the situation.
I prioritize innovation for practicality.
I lean towards innovation.
I strongly respect tradition.

9. What is your leadership style?

Charismatic and inspirational.
Strategic and calculated.
Lead by example with strength and honor.
Defensive and resilient.

10. What role do you play in your community?

A guardian and protector.
An observer and adviser.
A warrior on the front lines.
A strategist and planner.

11. What are your combat priorities?

Maximize damage and overwhelm.
Quick and precise eliminations.
Control the battlefield and maintain distance.
Defend and counterattack.

12. What is your response to victory or defeat?

Reflect and prepare stronger defenses.
Remain humble and composed.
Celebrate victories wildly, learn from defeats.
Analyze and strategize for next time.