Which For Honor Hero Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Embark on a journey to discover which mighty hero from the world of For Honor you most resonate with. Answer questions about your combat tactics, strategic decisions, and aesthetic preferences to see where you stand on the battlefield!

Embark on a journey to discover which mighty hero from the world of For Honor you most resonate with. Answer questions about your combat tactics, strategic decisions, and aesthetic preferences to see where you stand on the battlefield!

1. How would you describe your combat style?

Strategic and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Strong and stalwart, I absorb hits and counter with powerful blows.
Relentless and aggressive, I overwhelm my enemies with rapid strikes.
A mix of offense and defense, adaptable to any situation.

2. Which type of weapon do you prefer?

A pair of fast, lethal weapons like dual axes or a katana.
A long-reach weapon to keep enemies at bay, like a spear or a naginata.
A single, versatile weapon such as a longsword or a claymore.
Hefty, powerful weapons like a kanabo or a flail, capable of dealing massive damage.

3. How do you approach battle strategy?

I meticulously plan every move and strike.
I rely on my instinct and adapt quickly to the changing battlefield.
I use brute force and straightforward tactics to dominate my opponents.
A balanced mix of planning and improvisation.

4. Which is more important to you in combat?

Honor and discipline are paramount.
Mastery of my combat skills and styles.
The safety and well-being of my comrades.
Victory at any cost.

5. What type of armor do you prefer?

Minimal armor to enhance speed and offense.
A blend of light and heavy elements for a balanced approach.
Heavy armor for maximum protection.
Light armor for agility and swift movements.

6. What colors do you prefer for your emblem?

Earth tones like green and brown, symbolizing resilience and harmony.
Dark and muted colors for stealth and subtlety.
Bold colors like red, symbolizing strength and passion.
Royal colors like blue and gold, symbolizing honor and nobility.

7. How do you react to being outnumbered in battle?

Outmaneuver them with speed and cunning.
Defend and wait for reinforcements.
Fight fiercely and take down as many as I can.
Use my environment to gain an advantage.

8. What is your primary role in a team?

Giving commands and leading the charge.
Striking key targets with surgical precision.
Supporting my team with strategic defense.
Holding the line and absorbing enemy attacks.

9. Which phrase resonates with you the most?

Defense is the best offense.
Victory at any cost.
Strike before the enemy can react.
Strength and honor.

10. When it comes to movement in battle, how do you prefer to maneuver?

A mix of both, adapting as needed.
Swift and agile, constantly on the move.
Holding my ground and advancing slowly but surely.
Deliberate and tactical, with careful, planned moves.

11. How do you prefer to engage enemies in a fight?

Punish their attacks with powerful counters.
Face them head-on without hesitation.
Use stealth and surprise to my advantage.
Control the engagement with reach and precision.

12. What's your preferred battlefield environment?

Close-quarters battles in tight spaces.
A dense forest where I can utilize stealth and surprise.
Varied terrains to use both strength and tactics.
Open fields for head-on confrontations.

13. Which training philosophy aligns most with your beliefs?

Strength and resilience lead to victory.
Adaptation and versatility are paramount.
Patience and discipline are key.
Speed and agility triumph over all.