Which RimWorld Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Discover your inner RimWorld colonist! Whether you're a rugged survivalist, a brilliant researcher, or a compassionate doctor, this quiz will reveal which RimWorld character you embody. Answer questions based on your personality traits, preferred roles in a colony, and survival strategies to find out who you are.

Discover your inner RimWorld colonist! Whether you're a rugged survivalist, a brilliant researcher, or a compassionate doctor, this quiz will reveal which RimWorld character you embody. Answer questions based on your personality traits, preferred roles in a colony, and survival strategies to find out who you are.

1. How do you approach problem-solving in a high-stress situation?

I provide support and care for those injured or stressed.
I quickly assess resources and devise a plan using what's available.
I take command, delegate tasks, and ensure everyone knows their role.
I stay calm, focus on precision and eliminate the immediate threat.

2. In social interactions, you tend to:

Offer practical advice and solutions.
Stay quiet and observe before contributing.
Listen and provide empathetic support.
Take charge and steer conversations towards positive outcomes.

3. When faced with a moral dilemma, you:

Focus on what is best for the group, even if it’s tough.
Ensure no one gets hurt and try to find a middle ground.
Consider the long-term consequences of your actions.
Act based on logical consistency and principles.

4. What kind of role do you prefer in a colony?

Exploring and gathering intelligence.
Building and crafting things.
Leading and managing others.
Taking care of health and well-being.

5. How do you handle crisis situations?

Take charge and issue clear orders.
Analyze the situation and come up with a clever plan.
Stay calm and provide support where needed.
Ensure that resources and tools are used efficiently.

6. What’s your approach to daily routines?

I stick to a strict schedule and ensure consistency.
I like to mix things up and stay flexible.
I focus on the most urgent tasks first.
I prioritize what’s best for the group.

7. How do you deal with interpersonal conflicts?

Step back and allow others to sort it out.
Mediate and find a compromise.
Apply rules and ensure fair outcomes.
Focus on resolving the underlying issues.

8. When it comes to resource management, you...

Focus on building reserves for future use.
Adapt use as necessary based on the situation.
Plan and allocate efficiently to prevent shortages.
Ensure everyone gets what they need when they need it.

9. What motivates you the most in your tasks?

Improving the quality of life for everyone.
Achieving efficiency and productivity.
Gaining knowledge and discovering new things.
Maintaining order and stability.

10. How do you handle new technology or methods?

Prefer tried and tested methods.
Incorporate them if they have clear benefits.
Evaluate thoroughly before implementing.
Embrace and integrate them quickly.

11. What kind of work environment do you thrive in?

An independent and focused setting.
A collaborative and social setting.
A dynamic and constantly changing environment.
A structured and organized environment.

12. How do you prioritize tasks in a busy schedule?

By efficiency and productivity.
By urgency and impact on the colony.
By who needs it the most.
By my personal interests and strengths.

13. What role do you typically take in a team project?

I usually lead the team and assign tasks.
I focus on specialized tasks that require expertise.
I provide support and ensure team members are on track.
I gather and share critical information.