What's Your Goth Anthem? Take This Quiz to Find Out


Created 6/28/2024



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Are you a brooding soul with a love for dark melodies? Take this quiz to discover your ultimate goth anthem and find out which category you belong to.

Are you a brooding soul with a love for dark melodies? Take this quiz to discover your ultimate goth anthem and find out which category you belong to.

1. What kind of sound draws you in the most?

Jangling and psychedelic guitars
Abrasive post-punk riffs
Dark explorations of the void
Beautiful, yet heavy, ballads

2. Which lyrical themes resonate most with you?

Magic and otherworldly dreams
Disaffected and enveloping poetry
Love, obsession, and fear
Mysterious and haunting stories

3. Which type of vocal style do you prefer?

Bewitching and androgynous
Snarling and disaffected
Velvet crooning
Intense and desperate

4. How do you like your bass lines?

Throbbing and aggressive
Snarling and relentless
Dissonant and powerful
Melancholic and deep

5. Which atmosphere do you find most captivating?

Aggressive and dreamlike
Nostalgic and haunting
Romantic darkness
Hypnotic and somber

6. Choose an instrumental highlight.

Frenzied strumming of phased guitars
Tight and streamlined compositions
Throttling, dissonant instrumentation
Grandiose and delicate synths

7. How do you like your goth anthems to make you feel?

Empowered and rebellious
Energized and chaotic
Unnerved and contemplative
Cathartic and triumphant

8. Which sub-genre or fusion appeals to you?

Goth with a pop culture twist
Goth infused with punk and poetry
Gothic orchestral experimentation
Post-punk crossing with steampunk

9. What’s your preference for song length?

Short and intense
Moderate and immersive
Long and majestic
Spanning decades of emotion

10. Which historical or literary theme attracts you?

Mystical and magical
Dark and existential
Historical obsessions
Narratives of decay and resurrection