Which Boruto Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Curious to find out which character from the thrilling world of Boruto you resemble the most? Take this quiz to discover your ninja counterpart, focusing on your personal attributes, decision-making styles, and ninja techniques!

Curious to find out which character from the thrilling world of Boruto you resemble the most? Take this quiz to discover your ninja counterpart, focusing on your personal attributes, decision-making styles, and ninja techniques!

1. When faced with a challenging task, how do you usually react?

I dive right into it, giving it my all.
I analyze the situation first, then make a calculated move.
I focus on motivating my team and delegate tasks.
I take it one step at a time to avoid mistakes.

2. What personal attribute do you think is most important as a ninja?

Bravery and determination
Adaptability and innovation
Loyalty and teamwork
Intelligence and strategic thinking

3. When making decisions, what do you prioritize?

Formulating a detailed plan
Handling things in a straightforward manner
Balancing between rationality and emotions
The outcome and its impact on others

4. Your mentor gives you a new jutsu to learn. How do you approach mastering it?

Incorporate it into my existing skills creatively.
Practice relentlessly until I get it right.
Study the theoretical aspects thoroughly before attempting.
Seek advice and feedback from my peers.

5. How do you react in a high-pressure situation?

Stay calm and assess the situation.
Focus on finding a logical solution.
Act quickly to resolve the issue.
Motivate and lead others through the crisis.

6. What type of ninja technique fascinates you the most?

Intense physical combat styles
Using innovative Ninja Tools or unforeseen tactics
Elemental techniques like Lightning or Wind Release
Analyzing and copying others' jutsus

7. How do you handle conflicts within your team?

Encouraging team bonding activities to strengthen trust.
By mediating and finding a compromise for everyone.
By being direct and addressing the root cause immediately.
Staying calm and logical, others will follow suit.

8. If given a leadership role, how would you guide your team?

Develop strategic plans and ensure everyone understands their role.
Provide emotional support and keep morale high.
Motivate and encourage each member's strengths.
Lead by example and inspire the team.

9. How important is it for you to become the best at what you do?

Extremely important, I strive to be the best.
It's not my main priority; I'm satisfied with doing well.
I prefer focusing on teamwork and collective success.
Important, but I value balance in life too.

10. What kind of challenges do you find most fulfilling?

Mental puzzles and strategic problems.
Group tasks that require effective teamwork.
Physical challenges that push me to my limits.
Creative tasks that require innovative thinking.

11. What do you think is the most important quality for a shinobi?

Strength and combat ability
Intelligence and problem-solving
Creativity and adaptability
Loyalty and camaraderie

12. How would you describe your relationship with your friends?

I am the leader and often guide them.
We are equals, each contributing in our own way.
I am the peacekeeper and mediator.
I am the one they go to for advice and strategy.