Which Real Housewife Would Be Your Arch-Nemesis?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which Real Housewife would make the perfect arch-nemesis for you based on your personality traits and preferences.

Find out which Real Housewife would make the perfect arch-nemesis for you based on your personality traits and preferences.

1. How do you typically handle conflict with friends?

Confront them directly.
Talk behind their back.
Ignore and avoid.
Try to calmly discuss.

2. What would upset you the most in a friendship?

Lies and deceit.
Lack of support.
Gossiping about you.
Criticizing your lifestyle.

3. How important is loyalty to you?

Extremely important, it's non-negotiable.
Somewhat important, but other factors matter too.
Not as important as honesty.
I value loyalty but can forgive lapses.

4. What’s your go-to reaction in a heated argument?

Raise my voice and assert my point.
Walk away to cool down.
Use sarcasm and humor.
Stay calm and try to reason.

5. How do you usually feel about drama?

I thrive on it, life needs excitement.
I try to avoid it as much as possible.
I don’t mind a little bit of drama.
I can't stand it, it stresses me out.

6. How would you deal with a friend spreading a nasty rumor about you?

Confront them immediately.
Cut them off and move on.
Spread a rumor about them in retaliation.
Try to understand why they did it.

7. What’s your preferred social setting?

Large parties with lots of people.
Intimate gatherings with close friends.
One-on-one hangouts.
Fun events with some acquaintances.

8. How do you respond to jealousy?

I confront the person and ask them directly.
I ignore it and move on.
I get defensive.
I analyze why and discuss it calmly.

9. What attribute do you dislike most in others?

Gossipy nature.

10. Which of the following would best describe your personality?

Bold and outspoken.
Calm and collected.
Charming and sociable.
Considerate and understanding.