What Tolstoy Hero Is Your Alter Ego?


Created 7/4/2024



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Ever wondered which of Tolstoy's complex and memorable characters you resemble the most? This quiz will reveal your inner Tolstoy hero! Answer these 10 questions to find out which character you share a soul with.

Ever wondered which of Tolstoy's complex and memorable characters you resemble the most? This quiz will reveal your inner Tolstoy hero! Answer these 10 questions to find out which character you share a soul with.

1. How do you generally approach making a tough decision?

I take the path of least resistance.
I follow my gut feeling.
I seek advice from friends and family.
I meticulously weigh all the options.

2. What is your stance on societal expectations and norms?

I question them but often go along with them.
I disregard them altogether.
I challenge them when they seem unjust.
I usually conform to them.

3. How do you handle failure?

I see it as a learning opportunity.
I analyze what went wrong and improve.
I get discouraged but try to move on.
I avoid thinking about it and distract myself.

4. What is your idea of loyalty?

Being dependable and reliable always.
Standing by loved ones even when they are wrong.
Loyalty is earned and must be reciprocated.
Balancing loyalty with justice.

5. How do you perceive love and relationships?

Love comes second to personal freedom.
Love is complicated and often painful.
Love should be passionate and all-consuming.
Love is about mutual respect and understanding.

6. In a conflict, how do you typically react?

I strategize to come out on top.
I stand my ground firmly.
I try to mediate and find a middle ground.
I avoid confrontation as much as possible.

7. What motivates you in life?

Achieving success and recognition.
Helping others and making a difference.
Seeking knowledge and personal growth.
Personal happiness and satisfaction.

8. How do you view wealth and power?

They are tools to achieve higher goals.
They often lead to corruption and should be avoided.
They are essential for a fulfilling life.
They come with great responsibility.

9. What do you think about traditions?

They should be preserved but adapted over time.
They are irrelevant in modern times.
They are the foundation of society.
They are restrictive and should be questioned.

10. What role does self-discovery play in your life?

I am content with who I am.
It’s important but not a priority.
I focus on external achievements rather than introspection.
It is a continuous and essential process.