Which WoW Class Should You Try Next?


Created 6/27/2024



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Find out which World of Warcraft class suits your playstyle and personality. Take this quiz to discover your perfect WoW class!

Find out which World of Warcraft class suits your playstyle and personality. Take this quiz to discover your perfect WoW class!

1. What kind of role do you enjoy playing the most in WoW?

Tank - I like to be the frontline, absorbing the hits and protecting my team.
Healer - I enjoy supporting my team by keeping them alive.
Melee DPS - I prefer to get up close and personal with the enemy.
Ranged DPS - I like to deal damage from a distance.

2. Which of the following describes your preferred playstyle?

Fast-paced, high mobility and agility.
Steady, with a focus on strategy and timing.
Powerful, with big damage numbers and strong abilities.
Supportive, focusing on aiding allies and debuffing enemies.

3. What kind of lore appeals to you the most in WoW?

Holy and righteousness, serving the Light.
Dark magic and the occult, summoning demons and curses.
Nature and balance, shapeshifting and communion with the wilds.
Martial prowess and honor, becoming a master of weapons.

4. How much impact do you want your character to have in dungeons and raids?

I prefer being the cornerstone of the group, essential in every fight.
I like consistent and reliable performance throughout the encounter.
I enjoy moments of high impact where I can shine with big abilities.
I like providing buffs and utilities that enhance my group's performance.

5. Do you enjoy managing resources (like mana, energy, or rage) during combat?

Yes, I like balancing resources to optimize my performance.
No, I prefer a more straightforward combat experience.
Sometimes, depending on the context and situation.
Not particularly, but I do enjoy cooldown management.

6. Do you prefer a class with more specializations or one that focuses on fewer, more detailed setups?

More specializations - I like having multiple playstyle options.
Fewer, detailed setups - I prefer mastering a specific role.
It doesn't matter as long as the class is fun.
I like both, depending on the mood or scenario.

7. Which type of armor do you find most appealing visually?

Heavy plate armor - it looks imposing and protective.
Leather armor - it looks agile and versatile.
Cloth armor - it looks mystical and elegant.
Mail armor - it blends toughness with flexibility.

8. What appeals to you more about PvP?

Outmaneuvering and outsmarting my opponents.
Supporting my team and controlling the battlefield.
Dealing massive damage and securing kills.
Surviving and enduring through tough fights.

9. Which of these secondary characteristics matter most to you?

Mobility - being able to move quickly and avoid danger.
Utility - bringing valuable tools and benefits to the team.
Resilience - being able to take hits and survive longer.
Burst - having powerful, high-impact abilities.

10. Do you enjoy collecting and completing class-specific gear sets?

Yes, I love the aesthetics and bonuses they provide.
I'm not very focused on gear, but I like the bonuses.
I prefer functional gear over appearance.
Sometimes, it depends on the set.