What WoW Class Should You Play?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which WoW class suits you best based on your personality and playstyle!

Find out which WoW class suits you best based on your personality and playstyle!

1. Which type of gameplay do you prefer?

Close melee combat
Ranged attacks
Support and healing
Pet-based gameplay

2. What role do you want to fill in a group?

Flexible (multiple roles)

3. Do you enjoy having multiple specializations to switch between for different roles?

Yes, I like versatility
No, I prefer to focus on one role
Sometimes, but not always
I haven't tried multiple specs yet

4. Which fantasy archetype appeals to you the most?

Knight in shining armor
Stealthy assassin
Mystic spellcaster
Nature guardian

5. How important are visual aesthetics and animations for your character?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
I don't care about visuals

6. Do you enjoy managing resources and cooldowns during combat?

Yes, it's engaging
No, I prefer simpler playstyles
Depends on the class
I have no preference

7. What is your preferred leveling experience?

Solo quests and exploration
Group dungeons and raids
Player vs. Player (PvP)
A mix of everything

8. How do you feel about playing hybrid classes that can fill multiple roles?

Love it
It's okay
Prefer specialized classes
Haven't tried it yet

9. Do you prefer fantasy elements that are dark and sinister or light and holy?

Dark and sinister
Light and holy
A mix of both
Neutral or nature-based

10. Do you enjoy collecting and building class-specific gear sets for bonuses?

Yes, it's part of the fun
No, it's too grindy
Sometimes, if the bonuses are worth it
I haven't focused on gear sets before