Which 'Orange is the New Black' Guard Would You Be?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which 'Orange is the New Black' guard you would be with this fun quiz! Discover your true personality and see which character from the show you relate to the most. Are you tough and no-nonsense like Mendez or caring and compassionate like Caputo? Take this quiz to find out!

Find out which 'Orange is the New Black' guard you would be with this fun quiz! Discover your true personality and see which character from the show you relate to the most. Are you tough and no-nonsense like Mendez or caring and compassionate like Caputo? Take this quiz to find out!

1. How would you handle a prisoner having a mental breakdown?

Sit and talk calmly to understand their perspective
Use force to assert control
Ignore it and carry on with your duties
Report it to a superior and let them handle it

2. What’s your approach to bending the rules?

Never, rules are made to be followed
Sometimes, if it means keeping the peace
Often, if it benefits me
Only if it can help someone in need

3. How important is physical strength in your role as a guard?

Essential, it shows dominance
Important, but not everything
Not very, intelligence matters more
Irrelevant, empathy and understanding are key

4. How do you deal with a prisoner who has broken a minor rule?

Issue a strict punishment to set an example
Give them a warning
Talk to them to understand why they broke the rule
Ignore it if it’s not a big deal

5. How do you feel about forming personal relationships with inmates?

Never, it’s unprofessional
Rarely, only if it’s unavoidable
Sometimes, if it feels right
Often, it helps to understand them better

6. What would you do if you found out a fellow guard is mistreating inmates?

Report them immediately
Try to talk to them about it
Ignore it, not my problem
Join in to maintain loyalty

7. How do you view the inmates you guard?

As criminals who deserve their punishment
As people who made mistakes
As potential friends
As individuals I need to protect

8. What's your stance on rehabilitation programs for inmates?

Fully support, they deserve a second chance
Support, but with strict guidelines
Indifferent, it’s not my concern
Oppose, they’re here to be punished

9. How would you react if an inmate confides a personal problem to you?

Listen and offer advice
Dismiss it, it’s not my job
Report it to a higher authority
Use the information for my own benefit

10. What qualities do you think are most important for a prison guard to have?

Compassion and empathy
Strength and authority
Cunning and resourcefulness
Fairness and integrity