Discover Your Ideal Valorant Waifu!


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Created 7/16/2024



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Which Valorant character is your ideal Waifu?

Which Valorant character is your ideal Waifu?

1. What trait do you value most in a partner?

Intelligence and ingenuity
Compassion and support
Intensity and passion
Mystery and vigilance

2. If your partner had to pick a hobby, what would it be?

Loves tech.
Martial arts.
Meditation and self-healing.

3. What type of environment do you envision living in with your partner?

Modern hideaway
A serene and calming place in nature
A lively and spontaneous city
A mysterious and intriguing setting

4. What is your ideal date?

A thrilling adventure
Trying new tech
Unraveling a mystery or puzzle
A quiet evening helping others

5. Which of the following best describes your approach to challenges?

Cunning and mysterious approaches
Carefully and strategically
With creative and innovative solutions
Head-on with full force

6. What kind of partner makes you feel most secure?

One who is always vigilant
One who supports and heals
One who uses intellect and planning
One who leads with confidence

7. What kind of conversations do you enjoy the most?

Deep and philosophical
Light-hearted and fun
Practical and problem-solving
Supportive and empathetic

8. How do you handle conflicts in relationships?

Innovative and unexpected
Calm and supportive
Direct and in-the-moment
Strategic and planned

9. What do you find most attractive in appearance?

Tech-savvy and futuristic
Calm and serene
Elegant and mysterious
Bright and fiery

10. Which quality do you least prefer in a partner?

Overly secretive
Lack of compassion
Lack of intellect

11. How important is spontaneity in your relationship?

I'm okay with a mix of both
I prefer planned actions
Very important
Not very important