Which Irish Author's Writing Style Matches Your Personality?


Created 6/29/2024



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Find out which Irish Author's writing style matches your personality in this fun quiz that categorizes you based on your preferences.

Find out which Irish Author's writing style matches your personality in this fun quiz that categorizes you based on your preferences.

1. How do you usually express your thoughts?

With wit and humor
In deep, contemplative reflection
Through symbolic and poetic language
With straightforward and direct language

2. Which setting do you prefer for your stories?

Urban locations teeming with life
Secluded rural areas
Historical or fantastical places
Ordinary, everyday places

3. How would you describe your writing style?

Experimental and avant-garde
Classical and realistic
Symbolic and metaphorical
Satirical and humorous

4. Which theme resonates most with your personality?

Identity and personal struggle
Social critique and satire
Loneliness and existentialism
Love and human connection

5. How do you handle complex emotions in your writing?

Detail them with precision
Use metaphors and symbolism
Express them through dialogue
Focus on actions over emotions

6. What kind of narrative do you enjoy writing?

Traditional and structured
Flashbacks and fragmented
Satirical and ironic

7. How do you prefer to write dialogue?

Witty and sharp
Philosophical and profound
Natural and conversational
Long-winded and reflective

8. What kind of protagonists do you often create?

Clever and witty
Complex and flawed
Dreamy and poetic
Ordinary and relatable

9. How do you approach the concept of time in your narratives?

Non-linear and fragmented
Chronological and straightforward
Both past and present interconnected
Focus on a specific moment in time

10. What inspires you the most?

Human psychology
Societal structures
Nature and the universe
Everyday human interactions