How Well Do You Understand Quantum Mechanics?

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Created 6/8/2024



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Put your knowledge of quantum mechanics to the test with this challenging quiz!

Put your knowledge of quantum mechanics to the test with this challenging quiz!

1. What is wave–particle duality?

A property where particles can act as both particles and waves
The measurement of particle velocities
The basis for classical mechanics
A concept exclusively related to photons

2. What phenomenon allows particles to cross potential barriers even if their kinetic energy is smaller than the maximum of the potential?

Wave–particle duality
Quantum tunneling
Pauli exclusion principle
Heisenberg uncertainty principle

3. Which theory refines quantum mechanics for the interaction of light and matter and agrees with experiments to within 1 part in 10^12?

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
String Theory
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

4. Who said, 'I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics'?

Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Richard Feynman
Werner Heisenberg

5. What is quantum tunneling used in?

Classical computation
Black hole formation
Scanning tunneling microscopy

6. What is the spherically symmetric function for an unexcited hydrogen atom's electron wave function called?

p orbital
d orbital
s orbital
f orbital

7. Which of the following is a main consequence of quantum mechanics?

Particles always follow Newton's Laws of Motion
The behavior of large celestial bodies
The probabilistic nature of physical systems
Time travel

8. Which notable physicist proposed that black holes may reveal a holographic cosmos about our universe?

Roger Penrose
Stephen Hawking
Dennis Overbye
Albert Einstein

9. What is the term for the collapse of the wave function upon measurement in quantum mechanics?

Wave–particle duality
Wave function collapse
Quantum entanglement
Quantum superposition

10. What is a finite potential well a generalization of?

Infinite potential well
Coulomb potential
Yukawa potential
Morse potential