How Well Do You Know Quantum Physics?

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Created 6/8/2024



Q & A

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Put your knowledge of quantum physics to the test and find out how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

Put your knowledge of quantum physics to the test and find out how many correct answers you can get out of 10!

1. Who proposed the hypothesis that energy is radiated and absorbed in discrete quanta?

Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Max Planck
Erwin Schrödinger

2. What is the mathematical representation of a quantum harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics?

Classical trajectory of a particle
Probability amplitude wave function
Energy spectrum
Random walk

3. Which phenomenon allows a particle to pass through a potential barrier it classically couldn't?

Wave-particle duality
Quantum entanglement
Quantum tunneling

4. What is the significance of the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics?

Describes the wave function evolution over time
Defines singularities in spacetime
Explains entropy in thermodynamics
Calculates the speed of light

5. What principle states that probabilities are found by squaring the absolute value of the probability amplitude?

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Born Rule
Fermat's Principle
Pauli Exclusion Principle

6. Which technology utilizes quantum tunneling in its operation?

Flash memory
MRI scanner

7. What does the term 'quantum' mean in Latin?

How much
Energy packet
Wave function
Dual state

8. In the context of quantum mechanics, what does 'h' represent in Planck’s equation E = hν?

Planck's constant

9. Who is known for the principle of wave-particle duality?

Max Planck
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Louis de Broglie

10. What is the Born rule used for in quantum mechanics?

Predicting exact outcomes
Measuring wave function collapse
Calculating probabilities
Determining energy levels