Which Song by The Smiths Matches Your Mood Right Now?


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Created 7/2/2024



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What song should you listen to based on your current vibe?

What song should you listen to based on your current vibe?

1. How would you describe your current mood?

Reflective and introspective
Joyful and carefree
Melancholic and pensive
Angry and frustrated

2. What are you craving most at this moment?

Solitude and quiet
A lively social environment
Emotional release
A solution to your problems

3. How is your current outlook on life?

Hopeful and optimistic
Content and satisfied
Nostalgic and wistful
Disillusioned and skeptical

4. What type of environment are you currently in?

A cozy, familiar place
Outdoors in nature
A bustling, busy area
An intimate, personal space

5. What kind of music are you in the mood for?

Something soothing and calming
Something upbeat and energetic
Something slow and emotional
Something powerful and intense

6. Which phrase resonates with you the most right now?

There is a light that never goes out
Please, please, please let me get what I want
I know it's over
Hand in glove

7. What kind of activities are you most drawn to at the moment?

Reading or writing
Dancing or socializing
Daydreaming or reminiscing
Problem-solving or planning

8. Which of these situations best represents your current state?

Feeling misunderstood
Loving every moment
Missing someone dearly
Fed up with the status quo