Find Out Which Smiths Song You Are


Created 7/3/2024



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Ever wondered which iconic track by The Smiths resonates with your personality? Take this quiz to discover which Smiths song perfectly captures your essence!

Ever wondered which iconic track by The Smiths resonates with your personality? Take this quiz to discover which Smiths song perfectly captures your essence!

1. What's your ideal way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon?

Reading a book in a cozy cafe
Exploring nature
Catching up on TV shows
Spending time with loved ones

2. How do you usually respond to stressful situations?

I try to remain calm and think it through
I look for advice from friends and family
I get anxious and worry a lot
I distract myself with music or other hobbies

3. Which of these best describes your approach to relationships?

Hopelessly romantic
Cautiously optimistic
Independent and self-reliant
Emotional and intense

4. Which type of music do you connect with the most?

Mellow and introspective
Upbeat and energetic
Deep and melancholic
Relaxed and laid-back

5. How do you usually make important decisions?

I follow my gut feeling
I make a pros and cons list
I consult with friends or family
I take my time to think it over carefully

6. What's your favorite type of literature?


7. How do you react when someone betrays your trust?

I forgive but never forget
I confront them about it
I distance myself from them
I try to understand their side

8. What's your favorite way to express your emotions?

Talking with friends
Listening to music
Physical activity

9. Which of these locations would you most like to visit?

A quaint, old town
A bustling city
A serene beach
A peaceful countryside

10. How would your friends describe you?

Thoughtful and introspective
Loyal and supportive
Adventurous and spontaneous
Sensitive and empathetic