Which Yellowjackets Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/29/2024



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Find out which member of the Yellowjackets team you resemble the most. Dive into questions about your personality, handling of crises, and behavior within a group to discover your true character.

Find out which member of the Yellowjackets team you resemble the most. Dive into questions about your personality, handling of crises, and behavior within a group to discover your true character.

1. How do you handle conflicts within a group?

I try to mediate and find a compromise.
I manipulate the situation to my advantage.
I avoid the conflict and stick to myself.
I take charge and make a decisive decision.

2. When faced with a crisis, what's your first reaction?

I remain calm and assess the situation.
I look for a practical solution to the problem.
I try to take control and lead others through it.
I react impulsively and follow my gut.

3. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

I seek out adventures and new experiences.
I work on personal projects or hobbies.
I like spending time with friends and family.
I enjoy being alone and reflecting.

4. What's your approach to problem-solving?

I discuss it with others to find the best solution.
I analyze the situation and devise a strategic plan.
I tend to act quickly and figure things out as I go.
I use my knowledge and resources to address the issue.

5. How emotionally resilient are you?

I struggle with stress and can become overwhelmed.
I use my emotional strength to support others.
I am resilient but have my breaking points.
I am very resilient and can handle a lot of stress.

6. How do you view your leadership abilities?

I can lead when necessary but don't seek it out.
I use unconventional methods to lead, often behind the scenes.
I prefer to support and assist rather than lead.
I am a natural-born leader.

7. How do you handle betrayal within your social circle?

I cut ties and move on, no second chances.
I seek revenge in a calculated manner.
I confront the person directly and seek resolution.
I try to understand their perspective and mend the relationship.

8. What motivates you to keep pushing forward?

The need to protect and support my loved ones.
My ambition and desire to achieve my goals.
A sense of adventure and the thrill of the unknown.
A strong sense of duty and responsibility.

9. What role do you often play in a team setting?

I am the planner and strategist.
I work independently but contribute effectively.
I usually end up leading the team.
I provide support and assistance to the team.

10. How do you react when plans fall apart?

I see it as an opportunity to try something different.
I quickly come up with a new plan.
I become upset and struggle to adjust.
I get frustrated but try to go with the flow.

11. How do you ensure your voice is heard in a group?

I speak up only when necessary.
I use charm and persuasion to get my point across.
I rely on logic and evidence to convince others.
I assert myself confidently and clearly.

12. How do you approach setting and achieving goals?

I create a detailed plan and follow it strictly.
I set flexible goals and go with the flow.
I pursue them with passion and full intensity.
I take it one step at a time and adjust as needed.

13. How do you cope with personal trauma or past mistakes?

I channel my emotions into something productive.
I try to forget and move past them.
I openly discuss and confront them.
I internalize them and deal with them privately.