Which Guild Wars 2 NPC Are You?


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Created 7/16/2024



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Dive into the world of Tyria and discover which NPC from Guild Wars 2 you are.

Dive into the world of Tyria and discover which NPC from Guild Wars 2 you are.

1. When faced with a moral dilemma, what is your typical approach?

I act on my instinct and choose quickly, usually following my moral compass.
I analyze the situation carefully and choose what is best for the greater good.
I seize an opportunity for personal gain, regardless of the ethical implications.
I prefer to stay neutral and avoid getting involved in complex moral decisions.

2. How do you prefer to handle conflicts?

I use stealth and cunning to resolve the issue without direct confrontation.
I seek a diplomatic solution to avoid unnecessary violence.
I confront the problem head-on with strength and determination.
I manipulate events from behind the scenes to achieve the desired outcome.

3. What role do you typically take in a team?

I prefer to follow and execute the plans laid out by others.
I work best alone and often handle tasks independently.
I support the team by providing assistance wherever needed.
I usually end up leading the team and making key decisions.

4. What kind of adventures do you seek?

Combat-focused quests where I can prove my strength and valor are my preference.
I prefer adventures that challenge my intellect and skills.
I love exploring new and unknown territories.
I seek adventures that have a deeper purpose or mission behind them.

5. How do you approach learning new skills?

I seek guidance from experts and mentors to learn effectively.
I prefer to learn through careful study and detailed analysis.
I learn best through hands-on experience and practice.
I adapt quickly and pick up new skills as I go along.

6. Which weapon best represents your approach to challenges?

A greatsword – powerful and direct.
A dagger – quick and stealthy.
A scepter – allows control and manipulation.
A staff – versatile and supports from a distance.

7. Which type of environment do you feel most at home in?

Forests and natural landscapes.
Mysterious and ancient ruins.
Urban and heavily populated areas.
Mountains and snowy terrains.

8. What drives you to fight?

A sense of duty and responsibility.
The thirst for adventure and discovery.
The challenge and glory of combat.
The desire for power and control.

9. Which of these traits do you value most in your companions?

Intelligence and ingenuity.
Bravery and courage.
Loyalty and dependability.
Strength and resilience.

10. What is your reaction when encountering an unexpected challenge?

I remain calm and assess the situation quickly.
I charge forward and tackle the challenge directly.
I rely on my agility and adaptability to navigate through it.
I look for an opportunity to turn the situation to my advantage.