How Well Do You Know Fiora's Lore?

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Created 6/13/2024



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Test your knowledge of Fiora's backstory and lore with this exciting quiz! See how many correct answers you can get out of 20!

Test your knowledge of Fiora's backstory and lore with this exciting quiz! See how many correct answers you can get out of 20!

1. What was Fiora's designated role as the youngest daughter of the Laurent family?

She was destined to be a fencing champion
She was to lead the family in combat
She was to be married off to another noble house
She was destined to become a mage

2. How did Fiora often train in her childhood?

With the help of dolls
By watching her father's duels
By forcing her brother to give her fencing lessons
Practicing secret magic rituals

3. What dishonorable act did Sebastien Laurent commit before his scheduled duel?

He attempted to flee the city
He tried to drug his opponent
He bribed the king
He faked an illness

4. What was Fiora's outcome when she claimed her family name from her father in a duel?

She was banished from the city
She lost and was humiliated
She became her father's successor
She was disowned by the family

5. How does Fiora silence her critics?

By publicly shaming them
With her sword
Through monetary bribes
By using her influence in court

6. Who voices Fiora in the game?

Tara Strong
Karen Strassman
Jennifer Hale
Laura Bailey

7. What does Fiora's dancing reference?

Fred Astaire's dance to 'Puttin' On the Ritz'
A traditional Demacian waltz
Fencing moves
The dance of her ancestor

8. What major scandal surrounds Fiora's family name?

Her father committed murder
Her brother stole from the king
Her father tried to drug an opponent
She used black magic

9. What did Fiora do with the dolls she was given as a child?

Kept them as souvenirs
Gave them away
Used them for fencing practice
Buried them in the garden

10. In which court is Fiora an ambassador?

Winter Court
Autumn Court
Spring Court
Summer Court

11. Fiora challenged all who misused their power. What was her true test?

Fighting the king
A duel with her mentor
A duel with herself in her dreams
A battle against her brother

12. What is Fiora's in-game title?

The Blade Dancer
The Grand Duelist
The Shadow Blade
The Swift Sword

13. What is Fiora's in-game resource type?


14. Fiora's Riposte skill is inspired by what fencing move?


15. What inspired Fiora's fighting style?

Traditional Demacian swordsmanship
Martial arts
Pirate techniques

16. Which legend is Fiora said to be performing in her joke emote?

Defeating her brother
Drawing Teemo's face in the air
Writing her family name
Slashing a falling leaf

17. Whom does Fiora protect as captain of the Royal Guard?

The King
Her family
The citizens of Demacia
The Crown

18. In her storyline, what major act of honor does Fiora achieve?

Defends Demacia from an invasion
Saves the Crown with her fencing skills
Reclaims her family's name from her father in a duel
Defeats a nightmare-inducing demon

19. Fiora's name might be a reference to whom?

Fiore dei Liberi
Flavius Aetius
Marcus Aurelius
Publius Scipio

20. What did Fiora believe about her mother's untimely death?

It was ordained by fate
It was an accident
It was the result of a duel gone wrong
It was no mistake