Which New Zealand City Should You Live In?


Created 6/22/2024



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Discover which New Zealand city is the perfect fit for your lifestyle and personality! Take this quiz to find out where you should live in the land of the Kiwis.

Discover which New Zealand city is the perfect fit for your lifestyle and personality! Take this quiz to find out where you should live in the land of the Kiwis.

1. What type of climate do you prefer?

Temperate with mild winters
Warm and sunny
Cool and rainy
Four distinct seasons

2. Which types of outdoor activities do you enjoy the most?

Surfing and beach activities
Hiking and mountain climbing
Fishing and boating
Cycling and city parks

3. What kind of pace of life suits you best?

Fast-paced and bustling
Laid-back and relaxed
Balanced with a mix of both
Quiet and tranquil

4. What kind of scenery do you prefer to be surrounded by?

Ocean and beach views
Mountain and lake views
Urban cityscape
Lush greenery and forests

5. What is your preferred proximity to major international airports?

Very close
Moderately close
Not important
As far as possible

6. What type of cultural scene are you looking for?

Vibrant with lots of events
Rich in art and history
Eclectic and diverse

7. How important is public transportation to you?

Essential, I use it daily
Nice to have but not essential
Rarely use it
Prefer to drive everywhere

8. What type of housing options do you prefer?

Modern apartments
Historic homes
Suburban houses
Rural properties

9. How important is being near top educational institutions?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not a priority
Not important at all

10. What type of community do you thrive in?

Diverse and multicultural
Tightly-knit and friendly
Independent and private
Forward-thinking and innovative