Which Mega Man Enemy Matches Your Level Design Taste?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/10/2024



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Dive into the world of Mega Man and find out which iconic enemy aligns with your preferences in level design. Are you more of a Cut Man or a Metal Man? This fun quiz will reveal all!

Dive into the world of Mega Man and find out which iconic enemy aligns with your preferences in level design. Are you more of a Cut Man or a Metal Man? This fun quiz will reveal all!

1. Which type of platform challenge do you enjoy the most?

Disappearing blocks
Vertical climbing sections
Ice physics platforms
Platforms that flip or move

2. What color palette do you find most appealing for a stage?

Earthy greens and browns
Cool blues and purples
Metallic grays and silvers
Bright primary colors

3. What type of challenge excites you most in a game level?

Navigational challenges
Intense combat sequences
Intricate puzzles
Timed obstacles

4. Which stage environment do you find most interesting?

Dense forests
Icy landscapes
Industrial factories
Futuristic spaces

5. How do you prefer enemies to behave in a level?

Constantly moving and agile
Stationary but difficult to hit
Flying and swooping
Large and slow but powerful

6. What kind of stage hazards do you prefer?

Enemies that re-spawn
Environmental hazards like lava
Time-limited sections
Spikes and instant-death traps

7. Which item pick-up do you find most satisfying?

Extra lives
Health refills
Weapon energy capsules
Temporary invincibility

8. Do you enjoy backtracking to collect items in a level?

Sometimes, if the reward is worth it
Yes, it's rewarding
Rarely, I prefer straightforward levels
No, I find it frustrating

9. What kind of boss battle mechanics do you prefer?

Fast-paced and reactive
Pattern recognition and dodging
Environmental interactions
Strategic use of weapons and tools

10. What kind of mini-boss encounters do you like?

Multiple phases with changing tactics
Test of endurance
Skill-based with specific weak points
Environmental interaction

11. How do you feel about underwater stages?

I love them!
Absolutely dislike them
Prefer to avoid them
They’re okay if well-designed

12. Do you prefer levels to have multiple paths or a single route?

Branching paths with clear rewards
Single, straightforward route
Multiple paths with secrets
A mix depending on the level

13. How do you feel about timed sections in levels?

Okay in moderation
Love the challenge
Prefer to have none
Adds excitement

14. What is your stance on enemy difficulty escalating towards the end of a level?

Too stressful
Great for building tension
Small escalation is fine
Prefer consistent challenge

15. Do you prefer levels with environmental storytelling (e.g., backgrounds that tell a story)?

Nice to have but not necessary
Prefer focus on gameplay
Absolutely, it adds depth
Dislike it, can be distracting