Which Tower of Fantasy Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/2/2024



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Find out which Tower of Fantasy character matches your playstyle, choices, and personality! Dive into a series of intriguing questions to discover your ideal in-game persona.

Find out which Tower of Fantasy character matches your playstyle, choices, and personality! Dive into a series of intriguing questions to discover your ideal in-game persona.

1. What type of weapon do you prefer in combat?


2. What's your ideal role in a team?

Frontline attacker
Tactical supporter

3. How do you prefer to handle challenges?

Dive right into the action
Strategically plan and execute
Focus on protecting and supporting your team
Adapt and change strategies as needed

4. Which activity do you enjoy the most in-game?

Fighting powerful enemies
Helping and supporting others
Solving puzzles
Exploring new areas

5. What is your combat style?

Defensive and careful
Aggressive and bold
Supportive and healing
Stealthy and precise

6. How do you handle moral decisions in-game?

Pragmatic and realistic
Ruthless when necessary
Always just and fair
Protective of those important to me

7. Which of the following best describes your personality?

Stoic and determined
Adventurous and thrill-seeking
Analytical and strategic
Nurturing and caring

8. How do you approach exploration in-game?

Thorough and cautious
Supportive and team-focused
Efficient and goal-oriented
Curious and spontaneous

9. How do you deal with teamwork?

Leading and guiding
Supporting and assisting
Acting independently
Coordinating and strategizing

10. How do you usually handle strong opposition or bosses?

Evasion and precision
Endurance and defense
Strategic planning
Brute force and aggression

11. How do you usually react when your team is in danger?

Heal and support them
Rally them to fight back
Take down the threat myself
Protect them at all costs

12. Which of these traits do you value most in yourself?

Compassion and care
Strength and resilience
Intelligence and strategy
Adaptability and versatility

13. In a conflict, how do you prefer to act?

Direct confrontation
Strategic maneuvers
Support from behind
Adaptive and flexible