What's Your Cyberpunk Persona?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/10/2024



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Dive into the neon-soaked world of cyberpunk and discover which archetypal character best matches your personality. Are you a street-smart hacker, a mercenary with a heart of gold, or a corporate overlord? Answer these questions to find out!

Dive into the neon-soaked world of cyberpunk and discover which archetypal character best matches your personality. Are you a street-smart hacker, a mercenary with a heart of gold, or a corporate overlord? Answer these questions to find out!

1. In a dystopian future, what kind of environment would you prefer to live in?

A hidden enclave embedded in nature
A bustling city filled with neon lights and skyscrapers
A luxurious high-tech penthouse
An isolated bunker, far from others

2. How do you typically acquire resources in a resource-scarce world?

Trade valuable information and skills
Invest in high-risk, high-reward ventures
Work within a community sharing system
Take what I need by any means necessary

3. If faced with a moral dilemma, how do you decide your course of action?

Weigh the potential outcomes carefully
Do whatever benefits me the most
Consider what's best for the greater good
Follow strict personal morals and ethics

4. What motivates you the most in a dystopian society?

Gaining power and influence
Helping others and building community
Achieving personal freedom
Unlocking secrets and gathering knowledge

5. You encounter a powerful adversary. How do you approach the situation?

Engage directly in a strategic battle
Use diplomacy and attempt negotiation
Find a way to outsmart or sabotage them
Avoid confrontation and seek alliances

6. What is your preferred form of transportation in a high-tech future?

A luxurious flying car
A stealthy, silent drone
A sleek and fast hover bike
An armored utility vehicle

7. Which role would you prefer in a cyberpunk rebellion?

Hacking and gathering intelligence
Providing medical and logistical support
Operating solo as a rogue agent
Leading the charge as a tactical commander

8. How do you relax and unwind in your free time?

Socializing with a close-knit group of friends
Exploring new knowledge and inventions
Engaging in virtual reality experiences
Practicing combat and survival skills

9. How do you deal with betrayal in a dystopian society?

Seek swift and decisive retribution
Attempt to understand the reasons behind it
Cut ties and move on silently
Use it as an opportunity to manipulate the betrayer

10. What kind of attire do you prefer in a cyberpunk world?

Functional and utilitarian with hidden gadgets
Stylish and trendsetting with neon accents
Stealthy and nondescript for blending in
High-tech and armored for maximum protection

11. What kind of tech enhancements would you opt for?

Sensory and stealth upgrades
Survival and healing enhancements
Augmented strength and combat abilities
Enhanced cognitive and hacking skills

12. What kind of leader do you aspire to be in a futuristic world?

A benevolent guardian of the people
A strategic and calculated plotter
A shadowy figure pulling the strings
A visionary inspiring change

13. What kind of alliance would you prefer to form?

An underground network of informants
A decentralized collective working toward a common goal
Powerful allies with influence and resources
A close-knit group of like-minded individuals

14. How do you view the concept of law and order in a cyberpunk world?

A necessary evil that must be balanced
A tool to be manipulated for personal gain
An essential framework for stability
An oppressive force to be resisted

15. What is your ultimate goal in life within a dystopian society?

Achieving ultimate freedom and independence
Uncovering the hidden truths of the world
Creating a better future for humanity
Amassing power and control