Discover Your Perfect Jazz Album

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Find out which jazz album matches your current mood by answering a few simple questions. Whether you're feeling uplifted, melancholic, or anything in between, there's a jazz album that's just right for you.

Find out which jazz album matches your current mood by answering a few simple questions. Whether you're feeling uplifted, melancholic, or anything in between, there's a jazz album that's just right for you.

1. How would you describe your current mood?

Romantic and dreamy
Energetic and lively
Quiet and introspective
Deep and thoughtful

2. What time of day do you usually listen to jazz?

Late at night
During dinner/evening

3. Which jazz instrument do you enjoy the most?


4. What type of weather do you enjoy the most?

Cool and breezy
Sunny and bright
Rainy days

5. How do you prefer your jazz rhythms?

Upbeat and lively
Groovy and smooth
Slow and steady
Complex and ever-changing

6. Which of these settings best matches your ideal listening environment?

At a late-night jazz club
Quiet coffee shop
In a bustling city bar
By a cozy fireplace

7. When do you appreciate jazz the most?

When feeling reflective
For an energy boost
To calm down and relax
During romantic moments

8. What kind of harmony do you prefer in jazz?

Balanced mix
Complex and dissonant
Smooth and consonant
Minimalist and sparse

9. How do you usually feel at night?

Relaxed and calm
Energetic and upbeat
Contemplative and thoughtful
Romantic and intimate

10. Which do you prefer: traditional or modern jazz?

A mix of both
Modern jazz
Traditional jazz
Neither, prefer unique sounds

11. How do you typically use music?

For background ambiance
To set a mood
To energize myself
For deep listening

12. Which scenario best describes your ideal jazz experience?

An energetic night out with friends
A contemplative walk in the park
A quiet evening alone with a book
A romantic dinner with a partner